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AN: #imsosorrylmao

Also is it Bleeding Edge or EXTREMIS? Because apparently they're the same thing but different?

"You only did this to yourself Stark." Damian Graves leered as he spoke through Tony Stark over the intercom. The Iron Man had already done readings of the building but his suit could not pin point where anybody was.

The Avenger walked slowly though the abandoned building that was once a HYDRA base. His arm up ready to shoot anybody that got in his way. He slammed open every door he came upon and kept walking as the rooms were empty.

"You're never going to find your precious team at this rate." The voice continued to taunt, Stark growled as he tried running another scan. This time his AI managed to trace where the audio was coming from.

About five days ago, the Avengers went missing with no traces of evidence left behind. How somebody managed to kidnap the Avengers without struggle was surprisingly frightening. Stark was left behind so they could demand resources from him in exchange for his teammates.

"This wouldn't be so hard if you just give me access to what I want." Graves continued to talk.

Tony paused then shot a padlock off a door and pushed it open. There was another door at the end of the hallway which was locked with an iris scan. It didn't take long for Stark to hack it and watched as the door opened.

On the other side he saw Damian Graves on a leather chair with multiple screens behind him. Stark fired a warning shot beside the man.

"Hey, if I die, your whole team dies. No funny business yeah?" Graves laughed as he stood up from his seat. "Now, why don't you be a good boy and take off that suit? I have no weapons on me, it's only fair right?" The mercenary raised his arms and even spun. Stark's suit gave no readings of any weapons on him but was still hesitant. "C'mon I can't hurt you."

Tony sighed as he realised he had no choice and let his EXTREMIS armour sink back underneath his skin. He crossed his arms and stared at the mercenary who still had a large grin on his face.

"That is precisely what we can bargain for." Graves said as he clasped his hands together, "If you let me have access to the blueprints to EXTREMIS, I'll let you have your friends."

"You're not getting your hands on this technology." Stark stated plainly as he continued to glare at the other man. The mercenary pouted and leaned back against the control board behind him underneath the large screens.

"Then I suppose the Avengers will cease to exist." Graves's smile dropped as he pressed a button behind him. The screens turned on and revealed the Avengers being tortured with different methods. Stark's heart sank as he studied the screens and he could feel his blood pressure rise. "Isn't this cute? It turns out each Avenger is terrified of something but it was surprisingly difficult to find out what."

"Stop this." Stark whispered as he forced his hands to stop shaking. "You just want me, right? Don't bring them into this."

"Who knew the Black Widow feared fire?" Graves completely ignored his plea, "Something about a hospital or something. I don't know the details one hundred percent."

"Graves, please-"

"I mean Captain America is haunted by his past so I just rigged him to some machine. Man mental torture can affect a person much more than physical tortures."

"They don't deser-"

"Bruce Banner, that one was easy. Did you know HYDRA invented a drug that could repress the hulk? Now I'm just making him suffer because he really has no way out of it." Graves laughed as he rolled his head back. He stared Tony dead in the eyes and smirked. The mercenary knew he had the upper hand in the situation.

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