Pizza + Parenting

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AN: I thought it be cute if Ezra just didn't know he was a rich boi.

Ezra Stark was what many would consider, in a 'wealthy' family. His father, Tony Stark, was one of the most successful business men in the world and his company continually flourished. His other parent, Clint Barton, operated a well-established law enforcement and counter terrorism agency.

Being young Ezra did not understand the difference between the upper class and lower class. To him, many upper-class goods were considered 'normal'. His father occasionally gave him designer clothing and items with prices enough to make a lower-class cry of jealously.

Ezra however knew not to take money for granted. He often denied any pocket money that was handed to him for no reason. But, that still didn't stop his father from buying him gifts.

Clint Barton on the other hand didn't buy Ezra many gifts. Not because he didn't love Ezra, god he loved the child more than anything but he believed the child shouldn't be spoilt to death. He had always given his son small mementos he could keep forever.

Both parents raised their child differently. Clint Barton was never as well off as he is now. He knew what it felt like to be beggars. To always think about if he was going to survive tomorrow rather than going to school. He's seen all sides of life and didn't want Ezra to be a spoilt brat who took everything for granted.

Tony Stark on the other hand grew up lavishly. He had been born into a wealthy family and raised that way. He went through an overpriced but prestigious education and didn't have to worry about feeding himself. However, he knew that he had to work for what he had today. He knew that without hard work, that he wouldn't be where he is today. He may have spoilt Ezra but he was relieved that his son didn't let it get to his head.

Ezra didn't mind how he was raised. He didn't mind that one of his parents treated him like a prince, whilst the other one raised him with morals. He was a child who liked familiarity, he always preferred his older toys rather than the new ones he received. He ate whatever was served to him and wore whatever was provided for him.

Some would say that the child honestly didn't care. Ezra just enjoyed...well he frankly just enjoyed being alive. The child found joy in many things and was curious about every other thing.

"Does he really need shoes that expensive?" Barton sighed as the two adults browsed the shoe store. Ezra waited patiently by his Dad's side and listened to the adults talk. "I mean the kid won't be able to distinguish if you bought branded shoes or shoes from a supermarket."

"It's not expensive." Stark shrugged. Barton frowned and shook his head. "What you consider expensive, is a normal price for me."

"Do you see how many zeroes are on that price tag?"

"He owns more expensive things than these shoes." Tony waved off. Barton glanced down at the child that stood by him. Large bi-coloured eyes stared at him back, the child wondered what was happening.

"You're a spoilt child you know that?" Barton said to the child who furrowed his eyebrows together. Clint just smiled and patted the child's head. "But you're an old soul kiddo."

"Do you like these shoes Ezra?" Tony asked, the child just shrugged, indifferent about his footwear. "Our child clearly isn't that helpful with decisions"

"I don't think he cares." Barton muttered, "Do you care what shoes you have Ezra?"

Ezra shook his head. Tony rolled his eyes and placed the footwear back. He'll need to knock some sense into his child later.

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