Assignments + Misconceptions

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AN: I wrote Tony a whole lot different to how he's normally portrayed so y'all just going to have to bear with it for a little bit.

Third Person's POV

"Barton, I need you to take this."

He took the file from his superior's hands and quickly flipped through the papers. "I thought this was meant to be Romanoff's assignment."

"It was." The other man confirmed, "However something came up and I thought she'd be best suited for that." They made brief eye contact, "Can I trust that you'll complete this task?"

"Of course." He nodded with a slight smile. As he turned and walked away he glanced over at the folder once again. His eyes were glued on the bold text that ran across the cover.


Later that week he settled into Stark industries. The first day consisted of introductions. Pepper Potts showed him around the building and spoke about the tasks that he would be assigned with. That day he also met with his assignment.

Tony Stark was reading a novel the first time they met. His body perfectly laid out on a grey chaise lounge, chocolate hair touched the tips of his long eyelashes and pale skin that seemed to radiate along with the sunlight that seeped into the room. He was breathtakingly beautiful to say the least.

"Mr Stark, this is your new assistant." Potts interrupted the man's leisure time.

The genius shut the book and stood on his feet to properly introduce himself to the newcomer. The man wore a buttoned-up shirt but kept two buttons loose. A blazer that rested just on his shoulders completed the look.

"I hope you're finding everything alright." Tony spoke in a voice that he was not expecting. The man's voice was like butter, he swore that Stark did not sound this pleasing on television. "If you have any problems. Please don't hesitate to tell me."

As first impressions went, the playboy was unlike how most people described him. However, he knew it was too early to make final judgements.

"You have a photoshoot this afternoon at four o'clock." Potts reminded the man as her eyes briefly glossed over a tablet she held. "However, I can push it back if you wish to continue familiarising Mr Barton to the company."

"It should be fine." Tony waved it off with a kind smile, "Thank you for your time Miss Potts." With that the woman excused herself and left the two alone. "Take a walk with me."

He blinked with shock as he realised that the man was talking to him before he could respond, the other had already started walking. He quickly caught up and stayed by the man's side.

"May I ask you a question?" Stark broke the silence as they walked down the grand corridors.

"Whatever you'd like." He couldn't keep his eyes off the brunette. There was a certain elegance that the man carried that always made him the most interesting subject in the room.

"Why did you decide to work here? I'm sure there are many other companies that would peak your interest."

"I've always been a fan of your work."

The brunette chuckled; even his laugh was mesmerising. "Could this perhaps be related to what I recently revealed about myself?"

He knew that the man was speaking about the truth behind the Iron Man. "No, not at all. Your work on renewable energy shows promise and I have no doubt it'll cause a great impact in the future. The technology that Stark industries has produced as of late has also proven to be most advanced that the world has ever seen."

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