Chapter 56

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It took them days to finally reach the Kingdom. In that period of time, Kae never show any sign of waking up. Shiloh and Prince Fou lo were very anxious that maybe stabbing her was not the correct way of retrieving her memory back. They just followed what Alicia said to them and hope that it might help them. But the agony of waiting for her to wake up is torturing them completely.

On the other hand, Nulier was completely devastated when she heard the news that Prince Ryuzenheim will get married to Nina on next fullmoon, which is next month. She hurriedly packs her things and ready to set off back to Farrel Kingdom but Shiloh stop her from leaving. He didn't know why he stop her but he only knows that it pained him to see Nulier to be with another man. Of course, Shiloh didn't say it to her. In fact, when Nulier still wants to leave, Shiloh pull Nulier and suddenly kiss her plum lips. Nulier was startle and can't believe what is happening between them. She didn't fight back and let Shiloh to continue to kiss her.

"Please don't leave." Three words and Nulier nodded unconsciously. Shiloh smiled and kiss her again. He carried her back to her room and put Nulier on the bed. Still, Nulier was in daze and mixed feeling begins to overflow her. She stares at Shiloh's captivating eyes as he begans to cupped her face carefully.

"I will only say this once so listen carefully." Nulier earnestly waiting on what Shiloh will say to her.

"I love you." Three words and Nulier begins to cry. This is the first time that someone confess to her like this.

"I don't when it started but whenever I saw you making effort to that jerk, I see myself in you. I like Kae but it is different with you. I love you." Shiloh nervously confess to Nulier.

"But.. but you said that Kae is the only one for you?"

"I thought so too. But there is too many rival and I decided to give up on her. Still, I like Kae being a friend. Please don't misunderstand."

"I know." Nulier smiled. "Can you please give me some time to think?"

Shiloh nodded and was satisfied that Nulier accepted his confession. And that's why Nulier is still here at the Kingdom.

Thus, Prince Fou lo, Shiloh and Nulier waited until Kae will wake up.


Farrel Kingdom

"Do you love Nina, my son?" The King ask Prince Ryuzenheim decision. He is so worried about him when they saw only him and Nina came back at the Kingdom. They notice something is off but they just ignore it.

"Yes, Father" Prince Ryuzenheim answered.

The King let out a sigh and just wished that his son chooses the good one to be his wife. He can't do anything afterall because it's his son decision.

"Then I give you my blessing." Prince Ryuzenheim and Nina happily accepted the blessing.

Finally, Your mine now!


"Prince! Prince! Prince Fou lo!!!" a soldier hurriedly run towards the grand chamber.

"Prince Fou lo! Emergency! The southern part of the Kingdom is being attack!"

"WHAT!" Prince Fou lo hurriedly scan the whole Kingdom with his power.

"Oh, Shit!"

Prince Fou lo immediately called Nulier and Shiloh who is currently tending Kae right now.

"Urgent, we need to go south. Gray is out of control!"

Three of them get their weapons and make haste towards south.

"Give back my beloved wife." Gray blast all the houses he sees in his way.

Prince Fou lo didn't see this happen. The peaceful Kingdom he protects now is being crumble in his very own eyes.

"Stop it." Prince Fou lo aura darkens as his anger emerge so rapidly inside his body. This is the first time that Shiloh and Nulier felt terrified.

"I will not stop until you give back my wife to me" Then Gray immediately cast a powerful spell. "Lightning, comeforth!" As he raises his hands up in the sky, dark clouds appeared and a powerful lightning descends from the sky. Several houses were destroyed and hundreds of people were killed and injured. Gray continues to cast many spell to destroy the whole Kingdom.

Prince Fou lo can't take it anymore and directly leap towards Gray unsheathing his sword to cut him down. Gray instantly block him with an invisible barrier.

"You Bastard! How dare you do this to my Kingdom!" Prince Fou lo was so pissed off and angry. He can't control himself anymore.

"An eye for an eye. Give back my wife and I will stop this destruction." Gray knockback Prince Fou lo using his barrier and then cast a huge fireball towards him.

Prince Fou lo caught off guard and can't evade from the sudden counter attack. Luckily, Nulier cast a spell countering the fireball.

"Are you okay?" Nulier ask him worriedly.

"Yeah, thank you!"

Shiloh call forth his demons and order them to attack Gray. But Shiloh didn't expect that Gray also can summon demons.

"You are not the only one who can summon them. Demons! Heed my call!" Numerous demons appeared and shockingly twice the size of Shiloh's demons.

"What the!" Shiloh then realize that after he summon his demons, he can no longer manipulate them. Instead, whatever Gray have commanded them, Shiloh's demons obeyed him.

"Kyaaa!!!" the demons attack the citizen of the Kingdom and mercilessly killed them. It's like hell was cast upon this Kingdom.

Prince Fou lo heard all the cries of his people. He felt powerless even though he killed all the demons, Gray will summon more and more demons without any hesitation. Saving the Kingdom is beyond his reach anymore.

"What can I do? KAEEE!" Prince Fou lo scream out loud.

Upon calling her name, a bright light shine through the vast sky clearing the dark clouds away from the Kingdom. A human figure descends from the sky slowly. With a long black hair wearing a simple dress, she looks like an angel that was sent by the heavens above.

She cast a powerful spell that kills all demons around the Kingdom. Looking a bit angelic, she smiled and healed all the people who are injured. She cast a reincarnation spell to revive all the people who were died and fix all the establishment and houses that were destroyed.

Prince Fou lo, Nulier, Shiloh and even Gray were fixated by her. The blinding light that surrounds her now is dissolving like a thin air revealing a young human girl.


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