Chapter 28

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"Hey Zen.. You know something right?" Kae knew something is off. Zen didn't utter a single word that makes it more obvious that he is hiding something from Kae.

"Spill the beans will 'ya"

I don't know anything. Just sleep.

"I know you are hiding something from me. We are one. Don't expect me to not notice about it." Kae still interrogating Zen but he is hard headed just like a steel.

"You are so mean Zen! Sigh... I thought we are something like partner in crime."

Shut up. I'm not your partner in crime. I just don't want to be involved on your search to break their curse. I will let you use my power but I will not help you. Just use your mind and think harder! Atleast you are capable of something like that I supposed.

"Bummer. Alright! I will not ask you anymore!"

Kae cease on interrogating Zen. She keeps pondering on what method she will use to break the curse. Nina and Nulier are sleeping early due to fatigue thus there is no one to talk about the issue.

The night is on and Kae still can't fall asleep. Kae decided to walk outside for awhile to change pace. She find herself at the rooftop of the house that they were staying in. The moon as full and the light illuminates at the whole kingdom is so enchanting to see.

"I didn't know that this Kingdom will be beautiful like this. It will be more awesome if the people around here will be free from their curse."

"Ah! Free? hmmmm.... " Kae pondered as she suddenly thought of a good idea on how she will solve it.

Maybe that will work!

- - - - - -

Early in the morning, the gang woke up pretty late due to lack of sleep and fatigue for the past days. Kae, Nina and Nulier go for their personal hygiene first before eating breakfast. Prince Ryuzenheim and Fou lo on the other hand start their late morning by strolling around the Kingdom to find some clues to where they should go first.

2 pm ... the gang finally meet each other and start off their plan to break the curse.

"So what do you think we should do first." Prince Ryuzenheim asked first to gather more intel to what they are thinking right now.

They are now at the town square eating snacks and refilling their stocks for days that will use for their adventure.

"Can I suggest something?" Kae raise up her hand.

With a nod from the Prince, Kae start to talk.

"You see, I've been thinking last night that we should go to the cave where the holy grail was found. Maybe we can find some clues about how to break their curse." with a serious face, Kae finally relax and just waiting for their reply.

"I refuse. I suggest that we should look for a library to find more authentic clues that will surely break the curse." Nulier argue.

"I.... I ... I think that we should go first at the castle. We might know the true origin of that holy grail." Nina commented.

"So what do you think?" Kae, Nina and Nulier look at Prince Ryuzenheim and ask simultaneously.

The Prince look puzzled because of  three different suggestions. He pondered more on what idea he would pick. Kae realize that Prince had a hard time picking one so she suggest another one.

"How about we split up and do on what we suggested?"

"Well yeah, I agree to that." Nulier replied.

"But! It's dangerous for your part" Nina worriedly exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I have Fou lo with me." Kae bravely answered.

Prince walk towards Kae and hold on her shoulder. "No, It's too dangerous. I will not permit you."

With a deep breath, Prince finally come up with a plan. "Okay, let's settle on this one. Nina you go to the castle and ask anything related to our problem. And you, Nulier go to the library about breaking their curse. You, Kae must talk all the invisible people around here. Fou lo and I will go somewhere else to find some clues. How about that?"

Kae isn't satistied at all on what Prince Ryuzenheim said. Doing something like that takes time and she must do it quickly to make Olivian a better Kingdom like before.

"I object, Your Honor!... Talking to all the folks around here will takes time! Same too in reading at the library or going to the King. Time is ticking and we can't afford to lose it."

"I do understand the circumstances Kae but I can't decide so abruptly to rush there without a concrete plan. I don't want and I can't afford you all to die. It's my responsibility to take care everyone around here."

"So in short, your under estimating us. Nina, Nulier... you are strong right? For the past 1 month.... you train yourself like crazy, right? ..."

"Well of course duh! What do you think of me?" Nulier said frantically.

"Yup! I've been training hard with all my might. I'm not weak at all!" Nina strongly said.

"And me? ... Of course! I didn't train for nothing. I have been training to death. Thanks to Zen! Just put more trust to us Prince Ryuzenheim."

"Woof! Woof! Yeah! Don't be stingy for the spotlight and let them do some action you know. They are not kids... And don't worry... I'm here too. I'm strong like you! Just give in and do what Kae said."

Prince Ryuzenheim is being tight spot where there are no excuse to not let them go. The truth is, he just want to buy them time so that he,himself, will go to the cave and deal with the holy grail. He plans not to involved further the girls since it is a dangerous journey for them. Prince Ryuzenheim can't afford to lose somewhat like before. If anything happens, maybe, he can't never forgive himself again.

"I'm so sorry but it will not do. Stick to the plan and don't complain anymore. We will meet here again after 5 hours. We will combine our gathered intel and start hypothesizing it to come up to a better. Understood?"

" Your so over protective! Fine." Kae didn't complain anymore. She just walk out and started to talk to the imvisible people.

Nina and Nulier too didn't complain since it is hopeless to argue to Prince. They started their task and went off ahead.

"I will not give up! Ha Ha " Kae thought while grinning evily.

Prince Ryuzenheim and Fou lo went to the cave where the holy grail is located to investigate. They didn't know that someone is trailing them silently.

If you will not let me go then I will secretly follow you! I can't afford to miss this chance! Fighting!

Never fall in love again ~ Otome game ~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ