Chapter 20

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Kae's POV

Kae's POV

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"This.. this..!!!" suddenly I felt a dark aura coming from dual blades. When I stretch my hand to pick it up, the aura that supposed to be not to be seen by the naked eye is visible and getting nearer at me.

"KAE!" yelled Dad.

" AHHHH!" I covered myself with my hand and closed my eyes because the dark aura engulfed me with my whole body.

When I open my eyes, I only see white. Am I in heaven?

I stroll around but nothing seems to be different.

"HELLOOOOOO! ANYBODY THEREEE!!" i shouted and shouted but no one respond.

When I'm about to give up, a silhouette resembling a dragon figure appear in front of me. He was a bit fuzzy and blurry to see.

"Are you the one who awakens my deep slumber? The one who got the 3 beads inside the Shilvien" ask by the fuzzy and blurry figure.

"3 beads? Oh! you mean the soul gems? Yeah, I got it from Shilvien forest with the help of my pet fox, Fou lo." I answered him naturally.

"Soul gem? Hmm... well it's a nice name you got there. But set that aside, why did you awake me? Give me a reasonable reason that will satisfied and agree that you will be my next Master"

"Why would I give a reason if you know already what I'm looking for?"

"Why would you say that I know already your reason?"

"Simple! Well, it's just a hunch but did you enter my sea of consciousness right as of now?"

"Yes, and?"

"Then you see, my mind is connected there. You can probably know and easy to understand if you dig in further more of my sea of consciousness. If you would do that, you will know whether I'm serious about this or not. It's your choice also if you are willing to be my weapon and stay by my side when I needed you."

"ohhhh~ you are already indeed xoxky and well knowledgeable about that. You are correct. I just want to test you whether you are worthy to be my Master. As you know, my other brethren had already been become a sword, a legendary one that is gifted to the King of one of these Kingdoms."

"So what do you imply?"

"I want to become one of the legendary weapon that exist in this world. Since I'm created this way and have a skill to communicate with you. I demand this. In exchange, I am willing to stay by your side and protect you with all of my might. But if your not succeeded, your life will not be spared. I will eat your soul and it will never ever be resurrected again."

I gulped and felt a little fear about his sudden threat. But I won't lose to him.

"Fine. Be it my soul or my body, I will sacrifice everything to attain what I want. I'm all prepared. Now be obedient and listen to me. Give me all the powers you have and I will master it in no time. Deal?"


"Also, what is your name?"

"You can name me if you want. We are nameless and just categorize on what kind of dragon we are. "

"Then, I will call you Zen. Well it suits you since your appearance is like a noble."

" Your different from what I used to know about humans. I like you. Well, lets get going and let my wish come true Kae. You can communicate with me true your mind. Just call me when you needed me."

"Roger that! Please take care of me Zen. I'm counting on you"

Then suddenly when I open my eyes Dad is hugging me tightly and somewhat Ryu is in there looking at me with his worried eyes.

"What happen Kae? You are just eaten by that dark purple thing for almost half a day. I thought your already dead! Please don't worry us like that again!" Dad exclaimed.

Half a day? That is too long! Hey Zen! Its that true?

"Huh? Well yeah?! Since your cultivation is not yet that strong, communicating with me like that will took usually for a day. But you seem is very special that you only took for half a day. Be thankful for that" Zen explained.

"I'm sorry Dad. It won't happen again." I assure Dad and hug him back.

"Come, your Mom is very worried sick about you. When she heard about you, she faint and now resting in our room. You should go. Ryu and I will follow you afterwards." Dad pushed me towards the door.


I went to follow what Dad said. I enter there room and see Mom laying down in the bed. I sit beside her and gently caress her hair.

"Mom I'm very sorry. Well something happen that needs to be done. It's fine now! I find a new ally. So now have a goodnight rest. I will head out for awhile to practice." I kiss her forehead and went out of the room.

"So for now, I need to train to be familiar with my blades. Also I have a limited time so I need to fast." I ask permission from Dad and he gave me a yes to my training. I went out of the house and saw Ryu waiting for me with these 2 cloaked persons that is with him.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm the one that supposed to ask you. What are you doing? You are so late for the training." he explained.

"Well yeah? I know? So .. Who are they?" I pointed the 2 cloaked persons.

"Whose who? Do you know who are you pointing at, Rotten girl?" with her sharp tongue, I know already who she is.

"Nulier" I muttered. "Then... Don't tell me?! Nina?"

Then a shy girl turned around and wave at me. "Yes--s ... I have decided to come with you on your journey. I need to put a fight to claim what is right to me" she mumbled.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!" bark Fou lo.

I can't clearly hear what she say because of Fou lo continuously barking at me.

"Stop it, Fou lo." I said to discipline him.

"Why are they with you?" I asked.

"Prince Ryuzenheim ask me to teach them." he explain.

"Ahh.. So thats why...."

"Come... We are late." Ryu grab my hand and started dragging me.

"Eto~ .... " I stop walking. " I want to train by myself. You can teach them both while I'm gone." I said.

"Hey Zen! Where should I go to train?" I asked Zen.

"Go towards the Shilvien forest! That is the fastest way to be familiarize with me!" he answered.

"Come, Fou lo!" I started to run with Fou lo towards the outskirt of town to Shilvien forest.

Meanwhile back at the house of Kae...

"What a rude girl! She wasted my precious time! Come Ryu. Guide us!" Nulier said while complaining.

"Wai---t up Nulier! Ahh .. Ryu-san! Come on" Nina drag Ryu to follow Nina.

Inside Ryu's mind

What the hell she is doing? This is the first time she defile me. And.... And... that road! Is she going there??? Nahhh! I already told her not to go there unless she is with me. I should believe in her more. She has her reason to behave like this, right?!

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