Chapter 52

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"Okay. You two will come with me. Put this on." Shiloh materialize a rope.

Prince Fou lo and Nulier tied the rope around their waist area. "Okay. Now let's search for them. I hope they wouldn't be far from us."

Nulier hide her furious on Nina. She made sure that Nina would replenish her mana by slowing down the gathering team but Nina was nowhere to be found. All her effort is wasted. "That damned girl!" Nulier whispered in vain.

Prince Fou lo noticed the change of facial expression of Nulier. "Are you okay?"

Nulier startle from sudden question of Prince Fou lo. "Yea.h? I'm okay. Don't worry about me."

I must be on guard. That almost expose me.

Shiloh guide the group in searching for Prince Ryuzenheim and Nina.


"NINA!" Prince Ryuzenheim keeps on calling but Nina keeps on running away from him. Prince Ryuzenheim have no choice but to do an attack that might hurt Nina a bit.

"I said stop you fool!" Prince Ryuzenheim use his hidden whip to catch Nina. Luckily it hit Nina and makes her slow down a little bit. "ugh!"

"I told you to stop didn't I! It's very dangerous roaming around this area because of the thick fog. What if something happens to you? I will not forgive myself if something hurt you while I'm around!" Prince Ryuzenheim hug Nina tightly to calm her down. Nina still is crying heavily and wouldn't not stop crying.

"Then choose me. I will not run away anymore if you choose me."

Prince Ryuzenheim is dumbstruck about Nina. Nina is fighter and can't accept defeat even if it kills her. It took several seconds before Prince Ryuzenheim gives her a proper answer. "You know I can't make such decision for now. And—"

"then don't care about me and stop following me." Nina cut the rope with her tiny knife and escape form Prince Ryuzenheim grasp. "You player!"

"Nina!" Prince Ryuzenheim hold Nina's hand but she waves it back. "And don't touch me"

"PRINCE RYUZENHEIM!" Shiloh yelled crossing finger praying that Prince Ryuzenheim might hear their calling. "PRINCE!!!" Nulier shouted too.

Prince Ryuzenheim heard them and unconsciously face the direction where the sound is coming from. Nina use this opportunity to escape from Prince Ryuzenheim. She run away deeper in the thick fog forest.

"There you are!" Shiloh smack Prince Ryuzenheim head. "Aw!"

"I told you not to leave that place! It's too dangerous. Now the fog gets thicker and thicker as we speak. Meaning the witch knows there are intruders right now. Thanks to someone."

"I'm sorry. It's just that..."

"Where's Nina?" Nulier ask worriedly. Now that bitch is nowhere to be found and causing trouble.

"that.... Nina just run away from me after you found me" Prince Ryuzenheim confess sadly. "We had an argument and it somehow become like this. I'm sorry."

"Argument?" Nulier gave the other end of the rope to Prince Ryuzenheim.

"Yeah, an argument. She just mentions suddenly about the bridal search and just assume that I already decided whom I would pick." Prince Ryuzenheim tied the rope around his waist and face slap afterwards when he finished talking.

"Well, originally, it's your fault anyways in making things difficult for your bridal search. I don't blame Nina when she's anxious like that. You're making the girls hope for something that they can have. That is somewhat unbelievable for their part when they agree to be candidate of your bridal search." Prince Fou lo pointed out the most hurtful truth to Prince Ryuzenheim. "Don't get me wrong. I'm just stating the truth."

"Ahem!.. So you are saying that I am part of that unbelievable lady in agreeing something like this?" Nulier angrily face Prince Fou lo.

Prince Fou lo step back one step and ready to escape the scene when he noticed that they are tied by a rope together. "You can't escape, P-r-i-n-c-e F-o-u l-o!"

"Oh! We should get going or else Nina will really have lost in the forest!" Prince Fou lo tug the rope forward and all of them followed afterwards.

Nulier didn't retort back anymore and keep silent during the search.

Shiloh nudge Prince Ryuzenheim suddenly. "You know what, I know there is a reason you make a decision like that. Maybe you are in a tight spot where you can't refuse any of them but man! You should stop this and better pick one of them to make sure they wouldn't be hurt more than these."

Prince Ryuzenheim widen his eyes from sudden realization. He didn't know that it would result like this. He didn't think about the feelings of the girls if the bridal search is being prolonged. He just wants that both families will not resort to any sort of conflicts in the near future and be united.

But his judgement was crush when Nina confess and brought to this unsolved argument. Both Shiloh and Prince Fou lo have a point and ...

UGH!!! So troublesome!!!!

Prince Ryuzenheim tighten his grip until he bleeds his palm. So troublesome!


*huff huff huff

I'm almost running for several minutes now. I think I'm lost and running in full circles. I'm too hungry and thirsty to speak. We haven't had our breakfast yet and I just run away like that!

Such an idiot I am!

Also, That jerk, Prince Ryuzenheim, How dare he play with my feelings! I am so dedicated on him that I am willing to sacrifice myself just for him. He knows my feelings but... but... but he refused to notice and accept it at all!

*sob sob sob

As Nina escape from Prince Ryuzenheim, she accidentally went the right pathway. Nina was then run out of energy and almost slump down in the ground when she noticed a house made of sweets. This is her first time seeing one. The delicious smell of biscuits, the mouth watery chocolate fountain and all the sweets that you can name is there in sight of this house.

Nina drool because of her hunger and almost eat the house when a lady in white came out of the house.

"What do you come here for, my dear lady?" with an alluring voice, Nina automatically knew that this lady is the witch, Alicia. With smooth magenta colored hair that ends at her broad shoulders, silky white dress, and baby like face that tells everyone that she's an teenager but in reality she is way older than them.

"I have a wish." Nina answered.

"hooo.. What a blunt thing to say."

"I am willing to pay any price just to make my wish come true."

"Ha ha ha... Speaking meaningless words. Making silly promises. Ha ha ha... Such an idiot child."

"I don't care what you say. Just make my wish come true."

"ha ha ha... idiot dumbass... tell me! What do you wish for?"

Nina grit her teeth and tighten her grip. She knows how dangerous to gumble on this woman but she had no choice. For love, Nina is willing to give anything, even her life.

"Make Prince Ryuzenheim love me."

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