Chapter 25

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No one's POV

"Don't tell me your going to come with us?" Kae asked me.

What is this girl thinking?

"Seriously! Stupid Kae. Prince wouldn't do something like that!" Nulier defended the Prince.

"We don't know yet. Maybe he has that some kind of wanting? He is in harem right now! Can't you see it? His a guy afterall and his at the right age too!"

Both Nina and Nulier paused for a moment and after that they immediately went red after thinking of what Kae said.

"See... I told you."

Nina and Nulier look at the Prince and immediately cover their chest with their arms.

"Stop this nonsense! All right. I'm a guy. But I'm not that kind of guy who will do something like that!" Prince Ryuzenheim defended himself while blushing. "Also, Fou lo will come with me. He will not come with you." he declare.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!" Hey! I will come with Kae! I need to be closer in order to protect her!

Prince Ryuzenheim eyes twitch and glared at Fou lo intensely. You will come with me! Don't be such a pervert or else I will tell Kae your secret! Understood?

Fou lo whimper and he immediately walk towards Prince Ryuzenheim.

"Oh, I thought you will come with us. That's a relief then. Okay, girls! Let's go!" Kae said enthusiastically.

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Kae's POV

"Ne~ ... What do you love about the Prince?" I asked out of nowhere.

We are now at the waterfall that I was talking about taking a bath leisurely. It is clean and super fresh. It is quiet cold since its night time already. It is deep up until our chest.

"I'm not obligated to tell you." Nulier said immediately.

"Then don't answer..... Ammm... How about you Nina?" I look at Nina that is currently undressing herself to take a bath too.

"Me? .. hmmm..  What do I love about the Prince huh?" Nina now is dipping to where I am now. She keeps pondering whether she should tell me or not. But in the end....

"Maybe, his sincerity towards his fellow citizens of Farrel. You know what... I clearly remember when I first saw the Prince. It was when he visit our humble village near at Farrel Kingdom. I was born fragile and easily get sick. The King visits each houses of our village to check if our way of living is enough for us if not he will do something about it. Because our house is far away from the village, we are almost not get check."

Nina change her position and face me.

"You know what, only the Prince notice that something was amiss at that time. He knows how many houses were there in total. But the King only visits the houses were he only sees. Then the Prince told the King that there was one house that is not currently check at that time, which was our house."

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Ryu's POV

"What taking them so long to take a bath." I am now currently agitated since they have gone for 30 mins already.

"I can't even go there to check on them since they might think I'm a pervert!"

Well, I am willing to go to your place, Prince.

"No. Take a single step and I will slice you to death." I take my stance to pick up my sword and ready to unsheath it.

Hey! Take it easy. I won't, okay.


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Kae's POV

Nulier now came to where I was and now standing beside me listening together to Nina.

"Both of them enter our humble home and they see me laying down at the bed. I was on the verge of dying at that time. Hehehe"

Nina was scared to tell the truth but I was quite thankful she said her most secret to us.

"But you know, I was talking to God that if I am going to die atleast, let me meet or take a glimpse on Prince Ryuzenheim before I die. God do really exist and he make my wish granted."

" I actually saw the Prince face closer to mine giving my life back to me. And after that is why I pledge that I will be the bride of the Prince no matter what." Nina laugh and splash water towards the both of us.

"Stop it!" Nulier complain.

"Your story is a complete nonsense. I'm outta here." Nulier dry herself and went towards where Prince and Fou lo was.

"Naaah... Don't mind her Nina. Maybe she was just jealous of you." I said so that Nina wouldn't feel offended on what Nulier said to her.

"It's alright Kae. I know Nulier. She was maintaining her image like that. But I know she has a pure heart." Nina defended. "Also, I'm already used to it. Nulier and I already bond for 1 month.. hahaha.. so I already know her attitude."

"Your so good Nina. One day, that will be your weakness. Like mine." I muttered.

"Like you?"

"Well yeah. Do you want to hear some story?"

"Well if its a story, is it good right if everyone was present so that all of us will hear about it?" Nina suggested.

"Eto~ its not a good story though... And I'm not confident to tell everyone about it." I explained.

"Everybody is not perfect. No ones gonna judge or  say something bad about your story."

"Your right. Thank you Nina. I hope.. I really hope... You will become my dear and most precious friend."

"Of course! I will." Nina smile at me. I clearly see that she is sincere in becoming my friend.

Thank you Nina!

After several minutes, we dry up ourselves and went were we camp.

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Kae's POV

At the camp

"Were here! Prince, you can take a bath a now." I said to him.

"Okay. Fou lo. Come with me."


Both Prince and Fou lo went at the waterfall.

After several minutes....

"Hey! Hey! Do you want to peep guys?!" I said jokingly.

Nulier was drinking some water and after I said it, she was almost choked to death.

"Hey! I don't do something like that!" Nulier right now was bright red.

"Hehhhhh~ Reallyy??" I nudge my elbow at her but she really is won't budge at all.

"How about you Nina? It is once in a lifetime to do!" I still encourage the both of them.

Nina wavered slightly. She ponder and ponder until she comes up to her answer.

"I'm sorry Kae. I really can't do it."

"Geeeee~ . You guys are no fun!" I said sulking.

In the end, we waited for the both of them to finish and went to sleep afterwards. Fou lo became my pillow and because it is too cold, we came up to place ourselves like this to make ourselves heated and not be death due to cold.

Fou lo
   Me --- Nina --- Prince --- Nulier

Well... What do you expect? The Prince didn't complain about it so maybe it is good for his part.... right?

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