Chapter 26

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No one's POV

Morning came and Kae is the first one to wake up. Kae slowly get up and look at her fellow companion who were still sleeping at this time. Nina is sleeping soundly facing the Prince with her left hand in his chest. Prince Ryuzenheim is facing Nina right now  with his handsome face closer to Nina. Nulier on the other hand is facing  at the back of the Prince curling up as if she is cold state.

Kae thought that if she had her cellphone she would take a picture of these three right now but unfortunately none. Soon Fou lo woke up next stretching his limbs and immediately follow Kae to get some breakfast to eat.

They venture deep inside of the forest. After a couple of minutes, both of them came back at the camp bringing variety of fruits to eat. At the same time, Prince Ryuzenheim, Nina and Nulier now are awake.

"Oh? Why the three of you are all red as an apple? Did you three do something with us Fou lo without knowing?"

"NOOO!" simutaneously exclaimed by Nina, Nulier and Prince Ryuzenheim.

Kae was taken aback and "Okay!.. Calm down. I'm just asking. No need to exaggerate and shout at me like that." Kae pout and started laying down the foods they got at the forest. They keeping secrets from me!

Together, all of them eat that Kae and Fou lo brought. It was a simple yet enjoyable breakfast for them.

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"Yosh! Let's depart!" cheerfully yelled Kae.

"Can you not be so noisy this early in the morning? It's quiet irritating you know. I am still sleepy yet you are so energetic. Where did you get that much stamina this early?" Nulier yawn heavily due to lack of sleep.

"Yeah... I agree with Nulier. You are so energetic. Calm down for a bit. No matter what, we will get there in no time." Prince Ryuzenheim pack his things and get ready as he said it.

"You guys are kill joy. This is called "ADVENTURE!" It is supposed to be fun and
mysterious. Sigh ... I pick up a wrong team!" Kae exclaimed and went ahead leaving Prince, Nina and Nulier. Fou lo automatically followed Kae.

"Kae! Wait up! It's dangerous!!!" Prince Ryuzenheim worriedly yelled.

"I'm okay! Don't worry! Faster you three!!! Or else I'm gonna leave you behind!"

"What a kid!" Nulier irritatingly said.

"I can hear you!!!"

Prince, Nina and Nulier just sigh and followed Kae afterwards. Together, they continue to walk the path towards the next Kingdom, Olivian Kingdom.

~ After 5 hours of walking ~

"Look everyone!!!! I can finally see Olivian Kingdom!!!!" Kae excitedly run ahead of them.

Because it is a foreign Kingdom, Prince Ryuzenheim immediately run to capture Kae. Nina and Nulier followed Prince Ryuzenheim.

"Hold on! Don't get too excited! It's a foreign Kingdom. We should be extremely careful since we don't know about them." Prince explained.

"Yeah, Stupid. Don't cause any trouble to anyone of us. Your action might get us killed any minute. Know your place and think about your surroundings. I don't want to die young yet." Nulier angrily said while smacking Kae.

"Yeah... Kae... Be more careful. Don't cause more trouble to the Prince. Think about us sometimes too. The Prince is already preoccupied protecting us three. " Nina worriedly said while snatching a glance to the Prince.

"Why? I thought you Prince is already been here? .. You are a Prince of Farrel Kingdom. Why do you not know about Olivian Kingdom?" Kae curiously asked.

Prince Ryuzenheim seems shocked on what Kae said. He doesn't know if Kae is telling the truth or just joking around.

"Kae? Are you perhaps just joking?" Prince asked Kae seriously.


"You should know about this matter. Nina and Nulier know about this too."

Kae look at Nina and Nulier who nod simultaneuosly. Kae just tilted her head with her face making a question mark and can't understand what's happening.

"See. She is stupid afterall." Nulier chuckles softly.

"Okay? . What's going on?"

"You see Kae. Olivian Kingdom is the most secretive Kingdom of all kingdoms. They never create an article or some form of detailed description about there kingdom." Nina started explaining.

Prince Ryuzenheim continued where Nina left off. " Yeah. Even if you search the entire library at Farrel Kingdom. You will never ever read about Olivian Kingdom. I tried once looking for it but I failed. I tried also to go here but Father, the King forbid me since he thought that it might dangerous to go alone here. The King also never set foot here."

"So that's why we should be careful, Stupid" Nulier ended the conversation with her sharp tongue.

"Oh.. So that's why. Then you should tell me sooner!" Kae complain.

"We tried to tell you but you went off ahead." Nina answered.

Kae squat down caressing Fou lo. Fou lo lick Kae'sa face. Prince immediately glared at Fou lo that makes Fou lo chilled for a moment.

"Sigh.. Okay.. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Kae sincerely apologetic.

Kae really understand them. They just want to protect everyone that's why they are sermoning Kae. They have no ill intention to make Kae feel bad.

"Okay. If you understand, let's go together. if they ask us. Just say we are just tourist. Maybe they will make us enter." Prince Ryuzenheim explained everything on what they are supposed to do. With a concrete planning, they 80% chance in entering the Olivian Kingdom.

"Is everyone understood all of it?. Questions? if none then let's go." Prince Ryuzenheim bravely said.

Honestly, Prince Ryuzenheim is now nervous on what will happen. He holds 4 lives in his palm right now. If the Kingdom has following rules that are unknown to them, they will have to resort in combat. And this combat might emerge war between these two large Kingdoms.

They walk together getting nearer at the entrance of Olivian Kingdom. They didn't know that there are people who are long waited for their arrival.

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"EVERYONE! I CAN SEE! THE ONE THAT WE'VE WAITING FOR.  SHE'S FINALLY HERE!!! " shouted by a teenage woman at the entrance of Olivian Kingdom.

"WOAHHHHH!" all the people cheered in extremely loud noise.

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"He--y! Did you hear that?" Nulier asked nervously.

"Yea---h ... I ... I did.. I did hear it." Nina stuttered while answering Nulier.

"Be careful everyone. Be ready for combat if necessary." Prince Ryuzenheim instruct everyone to their position.

I think I've heard nothing at all. Did you hear what Nulier  was talking about Zen?

Huh? Are you deaf? Of course. And its loud and clear. Hold on to your weapoon.

Kae immediately follow Zen warning. All of them carefully go at the entrance. They saw bunch of people standing at the entrance that is like they are waiting for them.

"What are we gonna do?" Kae asked.

"We should continue forward and try to negotiate to them if possible. Or worst, if they not want it, we have to battle all of them."

Kae gulped after the facts said by Prince Ryuzenheim. Kae and Fou lo stood beside the Prince when they finally reached the entrance to provide some support while Nina and Nulier at the back. The following events is not what to their expectation at all.

Eh??? Is this really happening????

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