Chapter 8

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"Don't ever go alone on a journey without me." Ryu always say this line every now and end. He's attitude is like a father instead of a Master. He becomes like this after I went to Shilvien forest. I let out a sigh and give him a nod as an agreement.

Ryu escorted me back home at that time. As soon I came back, Mom and Dad greeted and hug me. "We missed you, Sweety" they said simultaneously. "Tadaima!" I cheerfully said to them. Family sure is a great thing.

Fou lo mimic me and nudges his head to their legs as a sign of greetings as well. Mom was shocked and afraid at first but as soon Fou lo gave signal that she can touch him freely, Mom got fond of him. Dad is quiet and widened his eyes upon seeing Fou lo. As he gonna say something Fou lo bark at him. Dad's face becomes stern as he look at Fou lo which is unusual.

To lessen the tension between them, I approach Dad and gave him what I got at Shilvien Forest. 3 soul gems sparkling like a star as Dad holding it.

"Wha..What on earth! How did you find it?" Dad stuttered as he ask me. "Its.... Its... Its the 3 eyed gems owned by the most powerful Dragon King, Euvile! I can't believe you found it at Shilvien forest!" exclaimed Dad.

Upon hearing this, Ryu seems little restless and comes towards us. He looked at it keenly. The aquamarine gem sense Ryu's presence and rise towards him. As if returning to its rightful owner, Ryu pleaded me. Dad, me, and Ryu flustered on what is happening right now.

The Aquamarine gem shines brightly blinding us except for Ryu. Ryu was surprise and like they are communicating to each other.

Then suddenly, "Please give this to me Kae. I will void your punishment if you give this to me." Ryu seriously look at me in my eyes as he grab both of my shoulders.

"Ou..Ouchh! Careful there. Alright! I will give this to you." Ryu firmly grab my shoulders but soon release it after realizing that his hurting me.

"So the dark magenta and white pearl gems will be the soul gems for my blades and the aquamarine will be on Ryu's sword." I said. I don't know but both of the dark magenta and white pearl gems seems restive. Is that my imagination?

Dad give me a nod and hurriedly went to his workshop. He was so excited to fuse it with the blades and see what results would it become.

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Ryu and I went to the market. My Mom ordered us to buy some goods for our meals. Fou lo wants to come with us but I decline. Fou lo keeps whinning. I kissed his forehead "We will be back in no time" Reassuring Fou lo, he sit beside the door and won't budge as Mom tries to persuade him to accompany her to the kitchen.

Ryu drag me by the wrist, holding it firmly which is I'm not comfortable with.

"Please Ryu, will you stop holding my hand. I'm not a baby and I will not be lost in here." I protest.

Ryu didn't listened and just continue to look for the stuff written in a small piece of paper that Mom gave us.

I continue to look for a way to escape his grasped but he won't budge.

As we walk around, I noticed that there was a huge  crowd at the plaza. To my curiousity, I pulled Ryu and went to the plaza as well.

I saw a two knights in white horse, one holding a scroll and the second playing the trumphet as if he signal that a important message will be announce.

" People of Farell Kingdom! As the upcoming Hanami festival and celebration of adulthood of our beloved Prince Ryuzenheim, I hereby declare that all maidens in this kingdom shall all attend this event. This will be the crucial time that the Prince will pick a maiden to become his future wife! Absentees will be punish heavily. Thank you and God bless!" the knights bid farewell as soon they announce the important decree.

The crowd is noisy and all the girls shrieked in happiness.

"Kyaaaaaaa!!!! The Prince will become mine!"

" No! He will be mine! "

The group of girls quarreled and look pathetic. Are they sure that the Prince will pick them? I face palm.

Looking at Ryu, I said " Ryu, don't become like the Prince. Its so pathetic that they use the Hanami festival as a bride searching event. It's not that the Prince will be love at first sight to the girl he just first met. Well, I bet the girl who will be pick will agree immediately without second thought. But remember this, do what your heart tells you. Don't be pressured and enjoy everything. If none of them is a good candidate to be a bride then don't pick. Ugh! Why do I have to tell you this? Your not even a Prince in my eyes." I tease Ryu and drag him out of the crowd. We continue shopping for ingredients. Ryu looks disappointed and pondered to what I said.

"Kae, you will attend right?" Ryu ask out of nowhere.

"Nope." I answered.

"Then severe punishment will befall upon you?"

" I'm not scared. I'm already used to it." that's right, back in my previous life, when I stayed at my relatives house, I always get bruises and injuries. They even splash me with boiling hot water.

Remembering this, I clenched a fist and almost got teary eyed. With my head held high "So I'm not gonna attend that festival even if I want to." A tear drop in my cheeks as I smile at Ryu.

But Ryu's aura is dark and gloomy. He grasped firmly again my wrist and continue our shopping.

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"You will attend the festival!" Mom said soon as she heard the news. Mom is so enthusiast for me to be able to meet the Prince.

"But Mom! I don't want to!" I protest.

"Sweety, enjoy the event! enjoy life! You don't know? There are lots of good stuff there! You can even bring it home if you want to!"

My eyes sparkle as soon as I heard that. " Really! Really! I can?" I glance Ryu as a sign of approval.

Ryu seems confused and looks towards Mom. Mom also gives a look saying "just agree!"

"Oh! Oh!! Ri..ght! You can take everything there!" agreeing to Mom.

"Yes! Okay, okay! I will attend! But don't get yiur hopes high! I don't do this for the Prince. I will do this for the stuff there!" humming in excitement I went towards Dad at the workshop.

Eily gave a wink at Ryu "I know you want to dance with her at the festival. I approve it as long as its you, Your highness" Ryu is flustered. He becomes red as an apple. "No.. N..o ... Its not like that .  but ..Th..ank you... Eily" Eily caress his head "Your cute when you become like this"... and walk towards the kitchen to prepare the meals.

Ryu followed me at the workshop and sat beside me as we look Dad working on the soul gem.

Ryu's mood seems so energetic and full of life suddenly. What could happen?

I shrugged and continue to watch Dad. I smiled suddenly remembering what could happen in the festival.

Hanami festival here I come!

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