Chapter 21

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Kae's POV

After 2 weeks have pass, I becoming more and more familiar with my blades. I'm a fast learner after all but Zen couldn't accept this fact. Zen always nag on things like my stunts and how I wield my blades. He is the strictiest Master I know second to Ryu if it is about training.

I have been spending my time training without going home for almost 2 weeks with Fou lo here by ny side. Maybe Mom and Dad are worried sick about me because I didn't even told them about not coming home. Also Ryu, he said that I shouldn't be here without him but he is busy with Nina and Nulier so I don't have any choice but to come here by my myself.

"Fou lo, if I go home right now, will I be scolded?" I ask Fou lo while eating this juicy fruit I found here in Shilvien Forest. I didn't starve at all since this forest has the nutriest fruits and food that ever I know. Maybe due to these monsters out here that many people of Farrel Kingdom didn't know about these things. I doubt that the King and the Prince know these also.

"Woof! " said Fou lo. " You know what, even though I ask you this, I will never ever understand your answer unless you speak the same language as mine." I commented on Fou lo.

Fou lo whimper as I said this. I caress him while sitting beside me. For these pass days, I have peaceful mind and nothing worries me. I have been completely focus on my training which Zen is very proud of about me.



"How long it will take to master all the techniques that you have been teaching me?"

" To be frank, you need atleast 1 year."


" But base on your performance and determination, maybe one fourth of my teaching can be mastered for another week? and the other three fourth can be mastered during our journey."

"Well, I don't have the luxury to only do training. After all, I request the King and the Prince to let me do my journey first. Sigh.... Now think about, when will we go on a journey? S***! Now I forgot!!!" I exclaimed while pondering when does it exactly.

" You are not yet ready to go on  journey with your crampy skills like this. You need one more week to do so. After that I will let you set on a journey. Understood?"

"But! But!"

" No buts! now continue your training. The earlier the better right?"

And because of that, I continue my training for another week. I hope they will not leave me behind if I'm late 😭😭😭

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 month have past

For the total of 1 month of training, I finally mastered it all, the one fourth worth of training.

"Now! I can finally be home!"

Me and Fou lo now are walking towards Farrel Kingdom. My appearance somehow change. My hair grew longer that before, I'm full of dry wounds, my clothes are tore but still wearable and my skin is now white as snow since I didn't get much sunlight inside the forest. I don't know what my face looks like because I didn't care at all since I have been focusing on my training. I gain more weight and develop it forming on my figure.

Farrel Kingdom, for a month that I never seen it there are many changes at all. Maybe it is because half of the management is now working by the Prince. There are new stores, new faces (maybe some people migrated here) and especially new buildings. Where ever I pass by, people stare at me and laugh at the same time but I ignore them and just continue walking.

I went straight home to see Mom and Dad. When I open the door, I saw them both plus Ryu sitting at the dining table. There faces is somewhat gloomy that is someone has died. Mom is crying heavily while Dad is comforting her. Ryu is somewhat serious and nothing can describe his face right now.

"I'm home!" I exclaimed.

Three of them simultaneously look at my way and were shocked. There eyes went big and slowly stood up. I walk towards them and I happily hug them all.

"I'm sorry I didn't contact you all. I have been focusing on my training and my other Master didn't want me to go home since it is a waste of time." I watch them and waited for their reply but none of them spoke up.


"K--a--e? Is that really you?" Mom spoke up first.

"Yes? I'm well and alive?"

"KAE!" Mom hug me tightly and ...

"OOOUCCHH! MOMMM! that hurts!" Mom presses my ears.

"Don't ever do that again! We were so worried sick about you! We thought that you are dead since we don'thave any contact or news about you! Some of our neighbors said that he saw you went to Shilvien Forest again. Ryu can't go there to get you because of Nina and Nulier. Your Dad and me can't even go there and you know why already!... Just... Jus--t don't ever do that again." Mom hug me again and cried heavily.

Dad come towards me and smack my head. "Ouch! Dad!"

"I know you are excited with your new blades. I didn't expect that you would do that. Now.. explain yourself why did you do that?" Dad seems so serious. I don't want to lie to them but Zen...

"Zen? Can I tell them about you?"

"No you can't .. My existence must be kept secret."

"But Zen, they are my parents and Dad is the one who make you. I should atleast tell Dad, right?"

" Even so. Don't ever tell them about me or else, I will not help you anymore."


"I'm sorry Dad. I can't explain you yet why but I assure you that it is all about the blades you make. To make me more stronger, I need to do that. I'm really sorry. I really am." I bow down my head to shoe my sincere apology to them.

"Sigh... oh well.. I know you won't lie to us. You have your reason why you can't tell us about that. I won't force you but promise me you won't ever do that again. Look at yourself. Your clothes are tore off and almost naked."

"Tehee~" I stick out my tongue to act cute.

"Don't tehee me." Then Dad suddenly realize that Ryu is staring at me and blushing.

"Hey Ryu! Stop it. Your almost drooling."

Ryu snapped out and finally realize what he was doing. "I .. I ... I... I didn't stare at her!" Ryu then face on the other side to hide his blushing face.

After Dad say that... I ... That's the time I realize what my outfit looks like! I ... I... I even walk in front of the crowd earlier! Oh my God! That was so embarassing!!!!

My face suddenly flush red and unconsciously crossed my hand across my chest. " You... You! Ryu! You pervert!!" I dash out of the dining room and went to my room.

Ryu! You still haven't change! Pervert!!!!

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