Chapter 45

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With a huge bang of the door, all of the guests simultaneously look at the culprit whi made that loud noise.


A smirk lifted up to their faces before Kae and Prince Fou lo turn around.

From there, a man walk as he drag Ayame towards the center of the aisle.

Then with his index finger, he is pointed at Kae "HER! She's an impostor! She is not suppose to be the wed to Prince Fou lo! Ayame! That's right!.... Ayame, my daughter is suppose to be there because she is the fiance of Prince Fou lo!"

Ayame on the other hand felt so embarassed by what her father said. "Stop it Dad!"

"No! I will not. I will reclaim what is yours so that you wouldn't get hurt again."

Kae and Prince Fou lo didn't utter any single reply about his revolt. They waited if there is other complain from him before they go into action.

"Now what?! Silence means YES! ... See everyone! That slut... THAT SLUT dare to seduce our Prince who is engage to my daughter! .. UNFORGIVABLE!!"

How dare he insult me? I didn't even seduce Prince Fou lo and his accusing me?! What a nerve!

Kae almost lost her temper not until a certain man came walking to meddle things between them.

"Watch your mouth old man. That is also my candidate to be my wife. So better shut up those mouth of yours before I slice them up."

Prince Ryuzenheim!

Kae and Prince Fou lo didn't expect these kind of scene. Prince Ryuzenheim must be together with Shiloh and others and not to interfere everything what they have been trying to achieve. If something goes wrong, everything will fall into chaos and that man will win for sure.

"Insolence! How dare you speak to me like that!"

"Me? .. Fool! You've got some nerve to walk into this aisle dragging your daughter to reclaim everything that you've lost? .. Shame"

Wait? What! What is Prince Ryuzenheim talking about?

Kae and Prince Fou lo seems at lost at first before they comprehend everything. Kae nudge at Prince Fou lo and whispered " Prince... I think he knows everything. Did you tell him?"

"No, I haven't told anyone except you and our allibis. Maybe you told him?"

"Nope. So how did he know everything what we are doing?" They both shrug their shoulders and sighed that everything that they have been plan to expose Ayame's father was stolen and improvise by Prince Ryuzenheim easily. The spotlight is shining on him right now, so what they thought.

A confuse look and chatters from the crowd can be heard everywhere. Everyones keeps talking non stop and wants the truth from them.

"YOU!!!" Ayame's father throw away Ayame's hand and tried to punch Prince Ryuzenheim. Luckily, he dodge it and land a counter attack on his face.

"Here." Prince Ryuzeneheim throw a couple of documents in that old man's face. "Let's see if you can get away from this."

Ayame's father look at the documents and went crazy after he saw it. "How! How did you know about this!"

With a snap of Prince Ryuzenheim's finger, a light shines towards a white wall  and project the copy of the documents that he throw towards the old man. Gasp from the crowd can be heard and then gave a deathful glare to Ayame's father.

Kae also gasp and didn't expect that Prince Ryuzenheim will be like this after that talk. It's far from humiliation but it was a total disaster for their family. Kae and Prince Fou lo wanted only Ayame's father to spill out everything from his own mouth not like this, a complete humiliation.

Kae can't stand the bad rumors and immediately turn off the projector. Prince Fou lo now tried to calm the crowd and deal everything.

"Ahem! So in accordance with our law, regarding in this matter, I, Prince Fou lo, will punish you by our law to never set foot again in this country. And your daughter will live continuously here like it was never happened. She did apologize to me and thats what matters."

By that, after the verdict was done, two soldiers drag Ayame's father out of the church. He beg for forgiveness but it was too late. Ayame on the other hand kept crying. She tried to stop the soldiers but she was stop by other soldiers.

"I didn't expect for this to happen." Kae sadly utter.

"Me either." They both sighed.

"Well its seems quiet different from what we plan but i think the result will get like this, right?"


The crowd now seems to get calm and everyone are starting to return to their home. Well, Prince Fou lo did explain everything from the start for them to comprehend everything. And gladly, everyone understood and didn't make any chaos about it.

Shiloh is very glad that the wed didn't continue. He immediately hug Kae from happiness. Nina and Nulier are clearly disappointed base from their looks no matter what they say to cheer me up from this mess.

And Prince Ryuzenheim walk towards and next thing Kae and Prince Fou lo realize that he is in front of them.

"Now, that everythings settled. Give back my woman." He suddenly grab Kae's arm strongly causing her to fall in his chest.


I'm sorry for late upload of chapters. I've been really in depression state because of my work. I hope you all keep on supporting my humble stories. And still sorry for the wrong grammars and spelling. Please bare with me.

Thank you 😚😚😚

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