Chapter 39

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Arriving at the hospital went almost exactly how'd you expect. We walked in, and searched for the room, all while ignoring the probably 50 nurses asking where we were going only for them to give up when we wouldn't give them a straight answer. As we finally approached the room, I could see a familiar face waiting outside the door - Connor.

"What happened?" I asked running up to him.

"I headed back to the office late last night, and Brant was still there-"

"Jesus, Connor," I sighed.

"No, I didn't beat him up or anything. When the morning came around, an FBI agent walked into the precinct. He announced he was there to transfer Kam to Jericho," Connor explained.

"Wait, the Feds gave him up?" I asked Connor.

"They never had him in the first place," Connor sighed. I stared at him.

"Well, yeah, I guess, I mean...I arrested him," I shrugged. "It was my case."

"No. The FBI agent who showed up said his name was Ethan Brant."

"What?" I stared at Connor.

"The FBI agent, who showed up this morning, said his name was Ethan Brant. At first I thought, just a coincidence, right? Then, I turned around to..well, our Ethan, and saw him trying to run away through a window," Connor nodded.

"That bitch," I sighed. "He's an imposter?"

"I threw him out the window. That's why he's here. I had them run diagnostics. Turns out his Morgan."

"Connor," I started crying.

Connor took me into a hug. This hug was unique. It didn't just mean "I love you." It meant "I love you unconditionally." As in, I'll be here to support you, even when you do something wrong. As in, "I really am here to support you, and always will be."

"You got played. We all got played. What happened, happened. Now we do our best to move on from it," Nick said, patting me on the back.

"We got it," Connor sighed, holding me close.

I pushed past him and ran inside, where Ethan-well, Morgan, sat up on the bed. He made eye contact with me. I ran over ready to punch him, when Connor grabbed me by the collar, accidentally throwing me back from the momentum, and making me crash into the stuff behind me. 

"I got this!" I yelled, stomping over to Morgan who didn't even appear phased.

"We turned off all of his systems. He won't notice or remember anyway," Connor explained.

"Turn them back on!" I screamed.

"No," Connor answered.

"Yes!" I screamed back. 

He picked me up by my waist as I kicked and screamed, and dragged me out of the hospital room. As soon as we were outside, I fell to the floor, and started crying harder. Nick laid down behind me, and wrapped his arms around me, and Connor knelt down rubbing my head.

"I'm sorry," I cried. 

"It's alright. I said it's alright," Connor explained. 

I laid down on my back, and looked up to the ceiling. The stale hospital light made my eyes sting even more, and the tears began to flow out even quicker. It's not really the issue of it being okay. It's not the issue of Connor treating me well. It's not that. It's the fact that I feel tricked and betrayed. I feel like my life is being quickly stripped from me. 

Nick stood up and stood at the end of my feet, as the tears slowed and I just kept staring at the ceiling.

"I don't know what to do," I explained.

That was true. There seemed to be an easy answer to a lot of things. Even the big things seemed to have simple answers. I cheated on my husband, what do I do? Apologize, and try to make things better, of course. If you can't, remind them that it's their prerogative, and it's their choice as to what to do.

But the question of how to move on from something like this was much more complex. I was manipulated, Connor was manipulated, Nick was manipulated...hell, the only person who wasn't manipulated was probably Hank. My eyes began to sting again as they had been rubbed raw, and now more tears began flowing out. 

I'm trapped.

THE CHASE - Connor x OC (I Am Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now