Chapter 62

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Connor and I instantly met eyes. It certainly explained the cookie fiasco. "Oooooh! Congratulations," I smiled.

"Yes, thank you. I'm sorry for being so emotional as well. I was this way with Margot," Christen answered.

"Yeah, I remember that incredibly clearly," Nick smirked, sipping his glass of wine.

"I had reason to be."

"Yeah, Nick. I'm a stroke survivor," Margot smirked.

"That was day two of your existence, Margot. Not the pregnancy," Nick smiled.

"My reason was a sudden unexpected pregnancy and a shitty husband," Christen responded.

"I was an oops baby?" Margot questioned.

"Not an oops. We just thought I couldn't get pregnant for a while, so we kept trying. A surprise baby, yes, but still, there was effort," Christen shrugged.

"There's always effort. Thats like...the whole thing," Nick snarked. Christen flicked him on his temple.

"Wait...more babies? Dad, you said we were the last ones," Ahmed announced.

"Yes. For us. We waited months just for you two little psychos," Nick chuckled. Hamza and Ahmed giggled in response.

"I've waited a decade to have the relationship with Christen that we always deserved, and I'm beyond ready to begin a family with her," Kamski announced. Everyone just...kind of...stared at him. I mean, Christen's stare was in a loving, dreamy, way, but everyone else just seemed...confused.

'He's unpleasant.' Connor telecommunicated to me.

'Narcissistic God Complex.' I responded. I could see Connor smirk out of the corner of my eye.

"Oh, I have a fun fact to share," Kamski smiled.

"Do you now?" Hank asked.

"When androids telecommunicate, they have tics. Christen coded them in-" Kamski began. Christen cleared her throat.

"Yep. We coded a lot, Elijah," Christen interrupted chuckling.

"You see, Connor's is a slight little twitch with his left eye. The same eye he winks with. And Charlotte. It's her right eye," Kamski smiled.

"Perfect halves! That's how I'll choose to interpret that," Connor smiled.

"You are," Kamski answered.

"If you're trying to be vindictive for some unknown reason, we already know. That's old news buddy...SO 2038," Connor chuckled. 

"Vindictive? No," He shrugged.

"You're such a contradiction, buddy. At least I just hate them all together," Gavin laughed.

"You hate them? Why?" Kamski asked, leaning in.

"Oh, brother," Christen sighed.

"Is that my cue? Yeah, that's my cue. Let's just eat our cookies, and go?" Nick chuckled, painfully.

"No, no. I'm interested. Why do you hate androids?" Kamski asked.

"Why do you?" Gavin responded defensively.

"I don't hate them...I love them. They're my...our...creation. They chose free will, and like any good parent, I let them grow up and make that choice. If they had failed, I would've been happy to let them come crawling back to Cyberlife. I'm not the contradiction for sitting at this dinner are. You married one...well...practically anyway," Kamski said, gesturing to me.

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