Someone To Take Care Of Me

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Stevie was glad Christine was finally sleeping even though she missed her when was, she loved spending every moment with her, she really did love her and she still worried she was too rough with Christine in bed, but mostly she felt guilty about Lindsey and hadn't even talked to him since she got back to the house, Christine had been her sole focus.

  The night  had been quite peaceful, Stevie kept Christine to herself and didn't let her leave the bedroom because she wanted her resting for the piercing and stitches.   Christine had been tired after eating and the night was full of cuddles but also squirming, wincing and whimpering which only filled Stevie with guilt over penetrating Christine's clit with a needle and now a piercing but she knew how much her girlfriend loved it, every chance Christine had, she had been giggling to Stevie about it and that made Stevie feel reassured that they were having fun and Christine really loved pain, it was obviously her kink and Stevie loved pleasuring her and then taking care of her afterward.

She had left John there to watch over Christine while she popped out to the shops quickly though to buy some things for her lover.  John had cuddled Christine in bed and Stevie was trying to not be jealous for Christine's sake.  She also knew she had some time because she knew Christine's minimum sleep was about two hours with no waking and that  gave Stevie a good enough amount of time to dash out and then return and make some food, tea and get Christine's little gifts ready. 

Once she returned she placed the bouquet of flowers she bought in a crystal vase and inhaled the mix of roses and other scented beauties and then smiled to herself.  She also pulled out the stuffed elephant she bought, although she felt it was cliché, she knew it might help Christine for the moments when she was in pain. Christine had confided in her once during her younger years, she had white teddy bear called Cokey and would cuddle it when she alone in bed or when she was having period cramps because she had awful ones and Stevie also knew how  Christine often cuddled pillows or her when she was sore so Stevie wanted the cuddly elephant so Christine felt more cosy and safe.

She quickly also chopped up some strawberries and put them on a plate with cream and some sugar sprinkled over the top. She knew Christine liked them and they were healthy too so she was making a nice little breakfast platter for her. She made some French toast and cut it into fingers, then made Christine a nice warm tea too and placed it on the tray, tucking the elephant under her arm and balancing the tray and vase as she made he way upstairs smiling happily.

John was laying bed gently rubbing Christine's side and listening to the gentle pattern of her soft snoring, enjoying how cuddly and warm she felt in the fluffy dressing gown.  Stevie smiled slid the vase beside Christine's usual side of the bed and placed the elephant beside it.  She knew Christine would wake soon so she wanted it to look pretty when she opened her eyes "How is she?" Stevie asked softly darting around John's side after leaving the platter tray over on the vanity, pushing her make up aside.

"She woke before, squirmed, whimpered and then cuddled up before sleeping again, then she woke up and rolled back over, now she is sleeping again!" John shrugged "Nice flowers too!" He smiled and Stevie was happy to see him making an effort to get along with her.

"Thanks, you can have a break now!" Stevie ushered and John nodded eagerly, needing a cigarette as he slid out of the bed and Christine began moving, wincing in her sleep as he slipped off the mattress "John, thanks!" Stevie smiled grabbing his hand.

"No need to thank me, I will always be there to help her!" He smiled back and walked out of the room and Stevie was glad he did truly love Christine, besides the incident where he tore her stitches, the love was there.

"Ugh!" groaned Christine, beginning to wake. 

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