If You Were My Love

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"Come on hon, tell me what's wrong?" Christine ushered, resting her hand on Stevie's. 

"Just my past, Lindsey and Don Henley!" replied Stevie looking at the carpet and her own bare feet, the two men were contributing to her thoughts but her mind was overtaken with her massive crush she had on the woman beside her. 

"Lindsey is just being a sulky wanker, you were too good for him anyway!" smiled Christine placing her other hand on Stevie's shoulder, the touch of her hand felt soothing and sent a wave of energy through Stevie's body like an electric current, she looked up at the older blonde and smiled. Christine stared into Stevie's golden brown eyes "Is Don still after you?" asked Christine stopping herself from grabbing Stevie and kissing her.

"Yes, but I don't want him!" Stevie exclaimed, pulling herself away from Christine and going and refilling her glass, she had to stop herself from pushing Christine down onto the bed, everytime Christine touched her, it was harder to pull away.  Christine watched as Stevie glided over to the bottle, she worried she had been too touchy feely with Stevie, she was also glad to hear Stevie didn't want Don Henley.   Stevie smiled as she retuned and sat back down, delicately crossing her legs as she sipped the glass.

"Oh, why don't you want?" Christine asked, trying not to sound happy about it, she thought Stevie liked Don, which had made her own feeling towards Don full of hate and jealousy.

Stevie bit her lip as she worked out how to answer, Christine loved this trait of Stevie's she thought it was arousing and adorable "Um, I have changed since Lindsey!" replied Stevie, guzzling the champagne.

"I don't blame you, I have changed since John too!" Christine laughed staring at the younger woman as she pulled a cigarette from her pocket, soon lighting it and looking at Stevie, the joint was finished with and Christine needed a ciggie to clam her jittering nerves. 

Stevie began to feel the various substances kicking into her bloodstream, feeling slightly bolder as did Christine, even though a moment of awkward silence was weird, Christine started at her fingernails intently "God, nail polish is so fucking annoying, chips off the next day!" She laughed shaking her head flicking off maroon flakes , them thinking of a way to bring up the certain topic, like the fact they were in love with one another.

Christine and Stevie had both finished their glasses "Want more?" Stevie asked.

"Of course!" Christine laughed still smoking her cigarette and once again watched Stevie get up and hurry to the bottle.  Stevie soon poured the bubbly liquid into the glasses and heard a song she liked come on the radio that was beside the bottle, barely able to hear it, but Stevie hoped this would be an opening to suss out Christine's feelings, it reminded her of Christine every time she heard it, was this the universe giving her the sign? 

Stevie turned up the radio "This is a good song!" She smiled, hurrying back with the glasses and handing one to Christine. 

It isn't the way that you look
And it isn't the way that you talk
It isn't the things that you say or do
Make me want you so

It is nothing to do with the wine
Or the music that's flooding my mind
But never before have I been so sure
You're the someone I dreamed I would find

It's the way you make me feel
The moment I am close to you
It's a feeling so unreal
Somehow I can't believe it's true
The pounding I feel in my heart
The hoping that we'll never part
I can't believe this is really happening to me

I close my eyes and count to ten
And when I open them you're still here
I close my eyes and count again
I can't believe it but you're still here

We were strangers a moment ago
With a few dreams but nothing to show
The world was a place with a frown on its face
And tomorrow was just, I don't know

But the way you make me feel
The moment I am close to you
Makes today seem so unreal
Somehow I can't believe it's true
Tomorrow, will you still be here?
Tomorrow will come but I fear
That what is happening to me is only a dream

I close my eyes and count to ten
And when I open them you're still here
I close my eyes and count again
I can't believe it but you're still here
I close my eyes and count to ten
And when I open them, you're still here

Christine listened intently to the song, instantly identifying with it and how she felt for Stevie, was Stevie hinting at something she felt or did she just innocently like the song, the song was sure sensual and made Christine want to just kiss Stevie though. 

"I really like that song!" smiled Stevie.

Christine nodded "Me too!"

"Did you know Dusty is into girls!" blurted Stevie. 

"Oh, yes, I did!" Christine didn't know how to really answer and react, was the night going how she thought or was Stevie trying to suss out if Christine was a lesbian or not, so she could kick her out of their house. 

"My Mum thinks its weird, what do you think?" Stevie queried taking a large gulp of champagne and feeling edgy.

"I don't really think about it!" Christine stammered and couldn't help being honest as Stevie's golden brown eyes looked at her "I guess people should be able to love who they love!" Christine replied, worried Stevie would hate her now for her opinion, what if Stevie hated that sort of thing, she didn't seem like she would, but Christine was still worried.

"I agree!" Stevie smiled widely feeling more connected to her gorgeous British best friend.

"Really?" Christine was shocked and stared at Stevie with her eyebrows raised.

"Yeh, why?" Stevie giggled nervously, grateful for the cocaine she had snorted earlier, also the champagne Christine bought in "Have you kissed girls?" She cheekily asked, sounding like she was joking, shocked she had the courage to finally blurt out a question, instantly regretting it.

Christine nervously swigged her drink "Maybe!" She smirked, the alcohol had increased her confidence as well and she was secretly hoping that the night would end with Stevie on top of her.

"Really?" Stevie smiled "I'm okay with it if you have, I really don't have issues with that, not like other people, I don't understand why people frown upon it so much, it's only love!" Stevie shrugged smiling and resting her hand on Christine's. 

Christine felt her soul feel so relieved, Stevie was okay with it all, this was like the weight of the world had been lifted off herself "What if I told you I wanted a girl lately?" Christine stared at Stevie with a wry grin.

"What if I told you I did too!" grinned Stevie, her eyes gleaming.

Christine saw the sparkle in Stevie eyes "Well who is she?" Christine asked curiously watching Stevie's face. 

"What if she was my best friend?" Stevie asked biting her bottom lip and grinning. 

Christine wondered if Stevie meant her, but that was probably just wishful thinking, Stevie had so many friends, like Robin and Sara  "What friend?" she asked quickly.

Stevie knocked back the rest of her champagne and gulped, staring directly at Christine "What if it was you, my best friend since 1974!" 

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