Needles And Pins

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FLEETWOODMACISMYLIFE Thank you so much for all the helping :)! 

"Stevie, can I at least get my clothes and clean up, like she bled all over me and its making me feel sick?" John said softly re-entering the room, naked.

"I don't care about how you feel, get your clothes, go clean up in the other bathroom and fuck the hell off, don't just wait downstairs either John, get the fuck out, if I don't hear you leave!" Stevie screamed out at him, knowing he would most likely wait downstairs.

"Stevie, forget him, help me, I can feel myself bleeding more, it hurts!" Christine cried.

Stevie grabbed some tissues and quickly opened Christine's legs more, making her yelp and started trying to inspect her injured entrance "Fuck sake!" Stevie sighed loudly dabbing at it with the tissues and Christine cried more. 

"How bad is it?" Christine stammered in pain. 

"The stitches are ruined, I cannot believe you had sex with him!" Stevie exclaimed feeling sick with worry and annoyed she had even left Christine in John's care.

"We weren't thinking, you left me all hot and bothered, then we got drunk, did a shitload of drugs!" Christine feebly replied.

"So this is my fault is it? Did I hold a gun to both of your heads and make you both fuck?" Stevie snapped glaring at Christine, then she felt bad as she looked at her teary blue eyes and she could tell how much pain she was in because the usual sparkle was gone and they were just dim and glassy and Stevie blamed herself "This is my fault, I did this to you in the first place," Stevie sighed heavily, swallowing back the ocean of tears.

"Stevie, please, I don't want to fight, I don't blame you either!"  Christine stammered and winced.

"I have to get you back to the clinic!" Stevie stated worried.

"No!" Christine yelled "Its awful if I go back, the orders I was given to look after down there and now I went against them! They are liable to fuck me up really bad so I can't have sex or they could hurt me worse, doctors get furious if patients disobey orders! I know from when stories I have heard!  They may think John assaulted me, he came in me so they could  think he raped me or I'm being sexually abused!" Christine shakily stated, panicked.

"Your stitches are torn Christine, your actually seriously injured, how about the hospital!" Stevie suggested, continuing to hold the tissues against her entrance. 

"No, I don't want to, I know what people will think, I cannot go anywhere, I'm Christine fucking McVie, this is so ridiculous!" Christine sniffled.

"You need to be re-stitched!" Stevie exclaimed. 

"You do it, you sew things!" Christine stuttered.

"Not people, I cant sew you!" Stevie gasped shocked.

"You can, please, I trust you, just stitch me up Steph, please I'm begging you!" Christine pleaded desperately.

"I'm calling an ambulance!" Stevie stated worried, as she saw how much Christine was bleeding.

"No, Stephanie, if you call one I will jump out of the fucking window, I'm not going! So I either will kill myself or you will fix me!" Christine threatened.

"You fucking bitch, how dare you say that!" Stevie cried "You could die anyway, you could have internal damage, your cervix was bruised too, you couldn't hardly walk before, now you are threatening me!" Stevie stammered upset.

"Stevie, don't cry!" Christine gulped "Just stitch me up, please! I mean it, I am not putting you and John at risk of being accused of forcing yourselves on me and that is how it looks!" Christine stated.

"I could hurt you by stitching you up, what if I do it wrong, Chris please!" Stevie begged.

"I love you but no, just get your sewing shit and do it!" She ordered.

"It will hurt you too much, I don't think I can!" Stevie stated, she knew Christine was serious, Christine would always rather suffer and put others first so Stevie knew she would do anything not to go to medical help.

"I will do it, just give me a mirror and the stuff, please, I'm in so much pain!" Christine stuttered. 

"You need proper medical attention, its not just a scratch on your arm, this is down here!" Stevie stated "Your most sensitive area, I would kill you, the pain Chris!"

"Stevie they gave me a stupid anaesthetic down there and that hurt enough, just rub cocaine on me and stitch it up!" Christine pleaded.

 "Cocaine wont help!" Stevie said confused.

"It numbs our noses and our mouths, just try it, please, I'm in agony!" Christine stated crying still.

Stevie soon hurried off and did some cocaine and had some Tequila, then she found her sewing basket and rushed back to Christine who was still laying there, crying and whimpering "I hope this works, after I fix you, can I at least take you to the doctor to get checked?"

"Not yet, for the two week appointment, but not yet!" Christine sniffled and felt nervous as she hard Stevie rummaging through her sewing kit.

"This is really stupid Chris, me stitching up your vagina!" Stevie stated, holding a needle up.

"I don't care, I cant go back to the clinic, just do it!" Christine whined.

"It will hurt!" Stevie replied.

"I know that, just promise if I pass out, you will finish doing the stitches and not freak out, I'm drunk and I was really tired so I will probably pass out or squirm and cry like a baby!" 

"I will do my best ok!" Stevie nodded, getting her sewing items ready, trying to not think properly "I think using cocaine is stupid to numb you with, I should use ice cubes or something!"

"Stevie, I will probably pass out and not feel it, hopefully!" Christine gulped.

"How will you keep still, it will hurt like hell!" Stevie exclaimed, nervously biting her bottom lip.

"Tie me to the bed!" Christine replied quickly, wanting to pass out before Stevie started.

"I cant!"

"Tie my stupid legs open and my hands together, just do that, I just want this to be over with please!" Christine begged. 

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