Was A Shame On Her

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FLEETWOODMACISMYLIFE thank you again for helping :)

The doctor stared at Stevie "This seems odd to me, how do I know this woman hasn't been assaulted, she is tied to a bed and is seriously injured and not to mention unconscious!" The doctor exclaimed in irritance "And where is this husband, how did he even hurt her this badly?"

"I threw him out, because I was trying to get Christine to get medical help but she wouldn't!"

"Why didn't she?" The doctor asked.

"She was scared, drunk, high, just help her!  I don't care what you think, she needs medical attention, now you have to help her, she is bleeding and needs her stitches fixed!" Stevie exclaimed "Fuck sake, just do it, please!" Stevie pleaded desperately. 

"She would be better at a hospital, she may need to be operated on if the damage goes too deep, her cervix could be damaged, she may have severe tearing internally!" The doctor stated and Stevie felt sick, the bile rising in her throat and she ran off and threw up in the toilet, hating herself for Christine being injured, then for leaving Christine and John together with lots of alcohol and drugs and for trying to stitch Christine up herself.  

She continued heaving until there was nothing left, then she flushed the toilet and dried her mouth, she started hating drugs more than she thought ever was possible. Cocaine had caused all this in her eyes, raising all their sex drives, their emotions and numbing their actual responsible sides and she promised to herself that if Christine was alright, she would slow right back on her drug use until she quit entirely and she would try to help Christine slow down on her drinking and drug use too, once she had healed "Can you just help!" Stevie shouted returning from the bathroom and finding the doctor, already looking through his medical case. 

He nodded seeing the desperation and panic in Stevie's eyes walking over the bed "I need to know if she has any prior issues, you could have given her a heart attack or stroke from the pain of trying to stitch her up without any anaesthetic, did you use anything to numb her?"

"I used a numbing powder!" Stevie stammered meaning the cocaine, then she started  panicking thinking she had seriously damaged Christine and felt like she was going to collapse as she gasped for air.

The doctor noticed and walked back to Stevie resting his hands on her shoulders "Miss Nicks, I need you to calm down, breathe in and out with me, your friend will be alright, I will be able to fix her here or if its bad, an ambulance will take her to hospital and she was cared for, don't be scared, she is in safe hands!" The doctor reassured and tried to clam Stevie "Come and sit on the bed, put her head on your lap in case she wakes up, you can calm her!" He explained "Miss Nicks, are you listening?" He asked and Stevie nodded, gulping "Now let me have a look at her and I will let you know alright!" Stevie went and did as he said, sitting on her legs and lifting Christine's head gently on to her lap, finger combing her hair and crying.

"She is so pale, what if I killed her, her breathing was so fast!" Stevie stuttered.

"Miss Nicks, how much alcohol and drugs were involved and I need to know what you used to numb her down here, tell me the truth too about the drug intake, I know you and Mrs McVie are rockstars so drugs have been involved in this!" The doctor said sternly.

"She and her husband were drinking while I was out, I had to buy coffee and I think they did cocaine and cannabis!" Stevie explained and the doctor nodded, not judging.

"Now this numbing ointment?" He asked.

"Cocaine!" Stevie gulped, darting her eyes away.

"You put cocaine on her vagina?" He exclaimed shocked and Stevie nodded shakily.

"You know you could overdose her this way, it could have been fatal if it went inside of her properly!" The doctor exclaimed and Stevie felt terrible, she just wanted to hide somewhere and die, never had she felt so awful in her life.

"Is she alright?" Stevie asked feeling nauseous again. 

"I'm cleaning her and then I will be injecting her with anaesthetics down here to numb it properly while I stitch her back up!" The doctor explained. 

Stevie nodded and played with Christine's hair "When will she wake?" Stevie asked.

"Probably when I give her the injection!" The doctor replied and did as he said.  Christine whimpered and gasped muttering something, but fell back into unconsciousness again "She appears to be fine, I will check her after I stitch her!" He explained and began stitching her up "Has this woman been injured before?"

Stevie didn't know what to say so she was honest "She has, she wasn't supposed to be having sex but she didn't think when she was drunk and high!" Stevie explained and the doctor seemed annoyed as he worked on her.

Stevie suddenly jumped when she saw her three bandmates at the door "What the fuck is going on here?" Lindsey exclaimed with Mick and John with him.

"This cat scraped her insides too hard!" The doctor remarked looking at them and then at Stevie and Mick chuckled loudly while Stevie went red in the face.

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