World Turning

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Christine fell asleep against Stevie and Stevie was worried she hurt her, she had never done that kind of thing with her before and was still nervous, worrying she got carried away but she also knew Christine was still recovering and would naturally be tired so she just stayed there cuddling her and finger combing her hair. Christine varied from sleeping for over eight hours or three hours. Stevie knew she was mixing alcohol with the painkillers and that was affecting her lover's sleeping regime, but she knew she couldn't stop Christine either, so she just monitored her, as did John and Mick when they stayed.

Time flew quicker than Stevie thought and Stevie didn't even know if she dozed off for a few moments or not, the cocaine kept her hyper and she just daydreamed and thought as she lay there with her lover, going over different song lyrics in her mind and over thinking her chequered past and recent status with Lindsey.

She was beyond mad with Lindsey still, not just over 'Silver Springs', but because he had been calling her at night when Christine was asleep and he had been acting insane like he was drunk, high and more of a controlling asshole than he normally seemed. He constantly was flirting over the phone and abusing her over Christine, making out they had been together since they met, when they hadn't and Stevie hated even having to humour his shit but she was so worried about his mental health, she ended up feeling bad, that she was giving him some kind of hope for the future even though she knew he had blown it over and over and she would never take him back or bother trying again, he was too much for her and she would end up killing herself if she stayed with him.

She had explained that he helped drive her into the loving arms of her supportive best friend, but he never listened about how controlling he had become, it always had to be his way and Stevie was mad with him, she had ended up exploding and pointing out all his flaws and the reason she had dumped him, instead of him dumping all the blame on her for his broken heart that she had tried so hard to fix, they may have had love once, real love, passionate sex, but it was over and Stevie knew deep down it was Lindsey's fault no matter how hard he denied it.

She hated being controlled, she was a free gypsy and in the end of their relationship with all the fighting, Lindsey's constant break downs and self hate, tore at Stevie's own soul and he kept accusing her of things that weren't true at all and wouldn't listen to her or trust her and she couldn't stand that, not over and over. Chance after chance was a waste f time for both of them, she knew that and she hoped someday Lindsey could too and stop being bitter to her and her true love but that was a lot to ask for because he still saw her and mainly Christine as the villains when it was actually him who put the nail in the coffin of the relationship that was a dwindling and dying fire anyway, that only relied on the passion of sex to keep it ablaze.   

Stevie knew that Lindsey never realised she was broken too and she felt so glad they were over, she felt free and actually, completely loved as sad as it was, she knew she had hurt Lindsey too but she couldn't feel bad for ending something that he was too insecure with anyway.  She had hurt Christine as well, but Christine had saved her and in a way she knew she had saved Christine too. 

Lindsey had tried to control everything she did in the end, who she was friends with and talked too, what she did with her time. It was basically like being trapped, in his own cage he built for her and he was the shot caller, she was too afraid to say no in case he exploded or burst into tears. 

Them going their own way was the best thing possible, Lindsey and her both deserved better, in Stevie's eyes, they were perfect at the start but Lindsey's paranoia tore them apart, of course Stevie would turn to her bet friend and fall in love with the one woman who genuinely loved, supported, appreciated her for so, so long and trusted her and not once tried to control her, Stevie and Christine were soulmates and Lindsey had been her first love that showed her the wrong things in a relationship, the wrong parts about handing your heart to someone and jumping into a relationship, also the wrongness of staying with someone because you thought it would keep them stable, even if it took a toll on yourself but Christine showed Stevie what love and relationship was, no pressure, no control, no guilt, just pure and perfect love and respect, her soulmate.

Christine suddenly stirred and broke Stevie's thoughts, lightly whimpering "Stevie" she muttered, yawning and Stevie jumped slightly, quickly being bought back to reality. 

"Are you alright, remember I need to clean your stitches baby!" Stevie cooed and Christine nodded, curling up to her more, she couldn't deny she was sore, all the pressure of the fucking had still made her stitches sensitive but never had she needed sex so much as she did there and then, Stevie was such a turn on too her.

"When I wake up more!" Christine groaned, stretching softly.

"I should have done it before you went to sleep, please tell me if I was too rough!" Stevie said gently smoothing Christine's hair from her face "I wanted to tell you, I truly love you and I want to be with you forever! I know I hurt you, but I fucking love you more than anything in this whole turning world, I want you to be mine forever!" Stevie suddenly blurted out and Christine looked shocked. 

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