I miss you, Daddy

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to some readers

Loosely based off of
'It's been a year daddy'
(I'm not sure what it is called)

Uncles: Zach, Jonah, Jack and Daniel
Parent(s): Christina
Bella: 7+

Bella's P.O.V
(April 3rd 2009)

It's been a year, Daddy. Mommy really misses you, but not as much as me! I drew a star today, and I named it 'Daddy Corby.' Uncle JoJo said he would take me to see you.

But not really you, the place you are being kept until I can properly see you again.

Mommy cried to Auntie Gabbie today, I saw Lavy as well! Did you know, she's nearly nine? She's becoming a big girl!

The other girls at school are mean, they pull my hair and call my drawings naughty words. But Uncle Dani told me to ignore them, and that my drawings are amazing.

I wish you could see them. When I do next see you, I'm going to give you a big hug!

I love you, Daddy.

(April 3rd 2010)

It's been another year, Daddy. I'm an even bigger girl now! I'm finally eight. Mommy still cries with Auntie Gabbie and Uncle Zachy, Uncle JoJo took my to the zoo today, and he made a funny joke about Uncle Jacky.

I saw Uncle Dani at the zoo as well! Well, that's what Uncle JoJo said, but he really pointed at a big Giraffe.

The girls at school are even more mean. Uncle Zachy told me to punch them, and Mommy hit him and I laughed.

My best friend, Tate. She still has a daddy. She asked me why I don't, but I do! I still have you. Even if you are in a special place where I can't see you.

I really like numbers, and drawing. Mommy said you liked them as well. When I get to see you again, I can tell you what I learned and show you my drawings!

I really, really miss you.

April 3rd 2013

Hi dad. I'm eleven now. Sorry I haven't written to you in awhile. People make fun of me because I don't have a dad, they once stuck gum in my hair so mom had to cut it out. I use to hate my blonde hair, but Grandma Saskia said that it reminds her of you.

Sorry I don't like the sky as much now. But I did like playing the Guitar with Uncle Dani and writing songs. Mom said she was going to take me to the doctors, she said I seem more sad.

I'm getting bullied, dad. I don't know what to do, Uncle Zach has a girlfriend.. he doesn't come round as much. Uncle Jonah is touring around Europe with Uncle Jack and Uncle Daniel moved back to Portland to be with his family.

I feel really alone. No one seems to care, not even Lavender. I try to talk to people, but they brush me off, or they tell me to stop being such a baby.

I wish I could be with you.

April 3rd 2018

Ten years without you, dad. I'm sixteen now, do you remember the boy I was telling you about? He ended up dating another girl, I thought he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend but I guess not.

I got asked to prom by a senior, his names Eben. He's really, really sweet. I've started drawing again, and I drew a star. Mom still hasn't moved on, neither have I.

I don't get bullied as much anymore. Kids are more sentimental that you passed, they don't physically hurt me.

My depression is getting better. Five years being diagnosed, but I promised mom I'd get better. But not for her, for you.

I tried to join you twice within the past four years. But I was unsuccessful, I wish i could hug you, dad. Why did you have to be taken away so soon?!

Why couldn't you have just pulled through, why didn't you try hard enough? Now, you'll never see me off to my first prom, or interrogate my prom date. You won't be following me on my first date, or walk me down the aisle.

I use to hate you, I use to think you didn't like me and that was why you were always touring. But I know now, you didn't have a choice. You got murdered during that tour, you got taken away from us. From me.

Uncle Jonah got married about a month ago, he mentioned you in his wedding speech. Mom and Aunt Gabbie cried....

They always do.

I love you, dad.

And I hope to make you proud.

I update too much

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