One unfortunate friday night (PT 2)

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Parents: Daniel and Abby Jo

Tatum: 12
Jack and Jonah: 10
Corbyn: 8
Gabbie: 7
Eben: 5
Zach: 3


"What? What is it? Where's your dad?" Abby questioned, as she jumped out of bed.

"S- Something I- Is wro- wrong with Zach" Jonah's voice cracked.

Abby sprinted to her youngest sons room on low sleep and worry filling in her lungs. She burst into Zach's room to see him seizing on his cream rug.

"Go get your dad!" Abby commanded Jonah.

Jonah ran out of his three year old brothers room and nearly threw himself down the carpeted steps.

Jonah could hear his dad in the kitchen making breakfast.

The brunette swung open the white kitchen doors only to be stared at by his dad and siblings.

But Jonah didn't care.

"Upstairs- Zach- Something Wrong" Jonah gasped, as he was out of breath.

Daniels eyes widened as he left the already dome cereal bowls on the kitchen counter and left to go find Zach and his wife.

As Daniel bombarded into his youngest sons room, he saw his wife in tears.

As she was kneeled next to the couples three year old, who's once beautiful brown eyes were rolled into the back of his head, his delicate body seizing.

"Call 9-1-1, Daniel" Abby cried.

Daniel ran back down the stairs and into the kitchen where he had left his phone. Daniel didn't acknowledge his children's confused glances as he sprinted back up the stairs.

Daniel was riding in the back of the ambulance, as he gripped onto Zach's limp hand.

The paramedics had stopped Zach's seizure and were now zooming through traffic to rush the unconscious three year old to hospital.

"Has Zach had a head on collision within the past forty eight hours?" The male paramedic, who's name is Jeremy, asked Daniel.

"No" Daniel shook his head, his eyes staying glued to his three year old. "He's been less energetic then normal, he complained that he felt dizzy but we just thought that it was because he hasn't been sleeping well. All of our children have been having bad nightmares" Daniel gently rubbed Zach's pale hand.

"I'm such a bad dad" He tearfully muttered, gently kissing his sons hand.

"Sir, nobody is the perfect parent. You couldn't have known this was going to happen" Jeremy told Daniel.

Daniel tearfully nodded as he gently squeezed Zach's little pale hand.

A couple of minutes passed by and the ambulance rolled into the ER.

Almost immediately Jeremy and another male paramedic who's name is David pulled out the still unconscious three year old boy out of the ambulance.

Why Don't We -Kidfics-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora