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Parents: Jack and Zach Avery
Corbyn Avery: 16
Jonah Avery: 14
Daniel Avery: 11
Tatum Avery: 7


Zach Avery ran his thumb over the top of his unconscious sixteen year olds knuckles.

Corbyn has been in an coma for a little over a week due to a hockey practice injury. He was practicing with his girlfriend, Christina, without his safety gear on.

He slipped on the ice and fell face first.

Christina called 9-1-1, seeing the blood gushing from Corbyn's face that was on the ice. She didn't touch him, scared she could make his injuries worse.

"Come on, baby. Open your eyes for me" Zach whispered.

Zach had refused to leave Corbyn's side since he got the call. Jack stayed at home with their three other children, but when they went to school he stayed at the hospital.

Both of the men's work understood why they phoned in sick everyday. Their work told the couple they could take as long as they needed, that their jobs would be safe.

"I remember when you took your first steps, baby. You were exactly ten months old.." Zach smiled at the memory.


"Come on, Corby Worby. Come to daddy" Zach encouraged from the far end of the lounge, Jack's hands were hovering over Corbyn.

"You can do it, bean" Jack smiled.

Corbyn took four steps, he fell backwards and onto his bum. But he giggled and copied his daddies as they clapped.

"You did it! You did it!" Zach picked up his son from under his arms. "You did it, baby"


Zach smiled fondly, being carful to not nudge any of the tubes or medical equipment that his oldest boy was attached too.

"I remember when you were one and a half. You became a big brother. You and Jonah were partners in crime, I'm pretty sure I started to get grey hairs because of you two. Then when you were five you became an even bigger brother! You expanded your heart and helped Daniel so much, his first word was your name, bubba" Zach never took his eyes off his son.

The doctors told the family they weren't sure if Corbyn could hear them or not, but to talk positivity around him. To not mention anything that could be triggering and cause distress, make him feel comfortable at all times.

Two days later and the doctors performed more tests on the sixteen year old.

They did many focused on his brain, that's when they discovered Corbyn's brain no longer had any activity left.

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