"I want a divorce"

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Update: I spelt divorce as 'divorse' in the title was nobody going to tell me? 😂

Parents: Corbyn and Jonah (Marais) Besson- Frantzich
Twins: Noelle and Nova Besson- Frantzich
Age: 7

Parents: Jack and Gabbie Avery
Lavender: 11
Cedar: 6
Leilani: 2

Daniel and Zach Herron- Seavey
Joseph James (JJ) Herron- Seavey: 4

Word Count: 3452

Corbyn was pacing around his home, anxiously waiting for his husband of eight years to walk through the front door.

It was three in the morning on a Friday and Corbyn suspected something was going on with his husband.

Jonah had given Corbyn the same excuse over and over again. 'I'm working late at the studio, don't wait up for me'

Corbyn was done waiting for Jonah.

It was now half two in the morning and the brunette man still wasn't back from the studio, Corbyn grew sad of laying in his empty bed.

He wanted the feeling of comfort again.

💞 My love 💞
Friday, 2:46 am

When are you going
to be back? Xxx
Delivered at 8:27 pm

Nova and Noelle made pancakes
for dinner xxx
*𝐩𝐡𝗼𝐭𝗼 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝*
Delivered at 9:01 pm

The girls miss you reading them
to sleep bubba xxx
Delivered at 9:10 pm

You haven't responded yet, like
normal. Call me? Xxxxx
Delivered at 9:57 pm

The bed feels empty without
you xx
Delivered at 10:30 pm

You really annoy me sometimes,
is it so hard to send a quick 'sorry
babe I'm busy working on some music'
Delivered at 11:05 pm

Past that Corbyn gave up. His husband would look at his phone and see twelve miss calls and nobody knows how many unread texts.

But Corbyn wanted to be awake when his husband of eight years comes though the front door.

It doesn't take past two in the morning to finish off one song.

The blonde dad sat in the armchair that's opposite the front door, a large warm mug of coffee on the side table as he read 'Bridge to Terabithia'

4:06 am

The keys in the front door lock jingled and twisted, the handles moving. Corbyn could see his husband out of the bay window trying to open the front door.

Corbyn chuckled to himself as he continued to read the book. The lamp on the side table was the only source of light except the motion detector lights outside the house.

Jonah finally opened the door, not noticing his husband sat to his left in the chair that use to be his grandmothers.

"What took you so long?" Corbyn's voice sliced through the air, causing Jonah to jump slightly.

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