Hurt Toddler

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Parents: Jonah and Jack
Corbyn: 8
Zach: 7
Daniel: 4

Daniel was always clingy, unlike his two older brothers who adored independence. Jonah and Jack couldn't leave Daniel alone for more than five minutes without the brunette bursting into sobs.

It had became a daily nightmare for the two dads, especially trying to drop Daniel off at nursery.

So when Daniel was just one, Jack quit his job and became a stay at home dad, having to look after Daniel since he refused to go to nursery.

It was also easier for the family to drop off then four and five year old Zach and Corbyn at nursery.

At three Daniel asked his daddy's if he was allowed to make some friends. Jack and Jonah started to put Daniel into nursery twice a week for three hours.

And Daniel loved it.

He made a friend named Angi, who quickly became his best friend.

Since Jack was still a stay at home dad, he took Daniel and Angi out on play dates with Angi's parents sometimes attending.

Daniel now goes to nursery four days a week, since Jack started a part time job, but he wanted to apply to start full time. Just like his husband, Jonah.

"Hey Bean, Zachy. How was school?" Jack smiled at his two sons, as they walked through the back door.

"It was the best!" Corbyn exclaimed, putting his and Zach's backpack on the kitchen island.

"I'm so happy to hear that" Jack smiled, as he continued to cut the carrots.

Corbyn and Zach both washed their hands as they started to help their dad make a salad.

Daniel was upstairs in his bedroom playing dress up on his own. He liked to be alone sometimes, which was now normal for the little brunette.

"Dani, come down please" Jack called from the kitchen.

Daniel shouted back a "coming!" As he quickly changed into his monster onesie and started to climb down the stairs.

The four year old was half way down the stairs when his foot slipped, the blue eyed boy gasped as he hit almost every wooden step on the way down.

Daniel hit the hard wood floor with a loud thump. Immediately, he started to scream in pain.

"Daniel!?" Jack asked panicked, rushing around the corner to his youngest boy.

Jack scooped up Daniel into his arms, as he stayed on the floor with the distressed boy.

"Dani, baby. Calm down little one. Where does it hurt?" Jack spoke, trying to not cry.

Daniel continued to scream as he moved around in his daddy's arms. Tears were free falling down the boys rosy cheeks, gripping his head with one hand in pain.

"Do I need do take you to the hospital, Dani?" Jack removed Daniels hand, as he saw a large bruise forming on the four year olds four head.

"Daddy?" Zach's voice broke once he saw the situation, Corbyn stayed emotionless behind his smaller brother.

"Everything's going to be alright, okay? Daddy needs you to get his car keys and unlock the car. Can you do that please?" Jack urgently asked.

Corbyn and Zach both agreed, rushing over to the front door and grabbing their dad's car keys and unlocking the doors.

Jack stood up with the shaking Daniel in his arms, the curly haired dad gently rocked Daniel in his arms as he told Zach and Corbyn to get into the car and put on their seatbelts.

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