Not understanding

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A tough hitting subject
(Like most of these chapters)

At some point, somebody loses a person
they love.

Parents: Jonah and Tatum
Corbyn: 17
Jack: 15
Daniel: 11
Zach: 6


That caught your attention, didn't it?

Zach was only in first grade, he was too young to remember his grandma passing away. He never had to know what it felt like loosing a loved one.

Zach's friend hadn't came into school for a couple of days, being only six he didn't pay too much attention.

But once Sebastian did come back to school he told everyone that his dad had passed away. Zach didn't understand, how could someone be here one minute and the next be gone?

After school that day Corbyn picked up Zach, since Zach liked to watch Corbyn and Jack play football at their high school.

Of course, Jonah gave the two teenagers a lecture and told them to never let Zach out of their sight, which they tried as best they could.

But Zach normally cheered them on from his seat in the bleachers, it was almost always empty. Maybe some girlfriends of the other football players were there as well.

But the usually energetic little boy didn't say a word during his older brothers football practice. Corbyn and Jack noticed immediately, but they assumed it was because it was a Thursday afternoon and he was just tired.

But oh, how wrong they were.

"Come on, Z. Time to go home" Corbyn smiled, scooping up the six year old.

Zach giggled lightly, sitting on Corbyn's hip as they made their way back home. Corbyn did have his license, but he was only allowed to drive with an adult who already has their license.

"Why are you being so quiet?" Jack asked Zach, touching the little boys back to get his attention.

"I don't know" Zach shrugged.

Corbyn frowned, as he gently kissed the sad looking boys rosy cheek, making him giggle lightly once again.

Half way home and the two teenagers were talking, Zach just listened. The six year old rested his head on Corbyn's shoulder, gently shutting his eyes and drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

"Maybe he's sick?" Jack frowned, looking at a now sleeping Zach.

"He doesn't feel warm" Corbyn carefully adjusted Zach again, but this time Corbyn was holding Zach against his chest. The doe eyed boys legs were either side of the seventeen year old.

"Maybe something happened at school? Could he be getting picked on?" Jack asked.

"Possibly, we'll talk to mom and dad about it when we get in" Corbyn spoke, looking down at the boy in his arms.

Jack unlocked the front door, automatically saying 'were back' before closing the door behind Corbyn.

Jonah walked out of the kitchen with Daniel following, a smile once occupied on Jonah's face. But once he saw Zach asleep against Corbyn's chest he immediately frowned.

"What happened? Is he okay? Did something bad happen? I knew I shouldn't have let you two take him to your football practice!" Jonah quickly spoke.

"Dad" Corbyn sighed, staring down at his baby brother. "We think he's getting picked on at school"

Tatum took her six year old son out of Corbyn's grip and placed him in his bed. Heading back downstairs to talk to Corbyn and Jack about their assumption.

Daniel was in the dining room colouring, eating his salad his parents made for dinner.

Corbyn and Jack explained Zach's peculiar behaviour, the two teens were concerned for their littlest brother.

The parents said that they would talk to Zach once he had woken up from his nap. So the family ate dinner like normal, minis the hyperactive six year old.

Zach woke up with a whimper. Corbyn, who had been sat in Zach's room, jumped up from the rug he was sat on and made his way over to the sad little boy.

"What's wrong?" Corbyn embraced Zach in a warm hug.

"W- what would you do if d- daddy died?" Zach shakily asked.

"I'd be very sad, why do you ask that?" Corbyn gently rubbed Zach's back.

Zach sighed and sobbed as he leaned into Corbyn's chest, the little boy focused on listening to his brothers heartbeat.

His friends dads heart wasn't beating anymore.

Tears leaked down the doe eye boys cheeks, the boy sobbed as Corbyn tried his best to comfort him.

"S- Seb- a-astian's d- daddy d- d- died" Zach cried.

Corbyn immediately hugged Zach tighter than before, kissing his forehead. The seventeen year old tried everything to calm down his baby brother.

"A- and he never g- got to say g- g- goodbye"

Corbyn didn't respond, he just gently rubbed Zach's back. Trying to carefully calm down the six year old.

"H- he was j- just gone" Zach hiccuped. "Why is this w- world so mean?"

"I don't know, bubba. It just is" Corbyn whispered. "But you aren't going to lose any of us anytime soon, okay?"

"Okay" Zach whispered.

"I love you"

"I love you too" Zach tearfully replied.

Because the six year old knew, nobody lives forever.

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