Smashing a mirror

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Thank you stingyherron for the request.

| Parents: Jonah and Daniel |
| Corbyn: Fifteen |
| Jack: Fourteen |
| Zach: Twelve |

Corbyn, Jack and Zach were returning back from school. Corbyn had picked up Jack and Zach from elementary since Corbyn is in his first year at high school.

As Corbyn opened the front door, Daniel greeted them as he walked down the stairs.

"How are my munchkins doing today?" Daniel smiled, as he took the boys bags off of Corbyn.

"It was amazing! I made a new friend today. He's called Alexander, and he has a sister Jackys age. She's called Alexa. Oh! Oh! And I- uhh.." Zach stuttered.

Corbyn looked at his youngest adopted brother sympathetically, as their dad laughed and so did Jack.

"Did you forget, Buddy?" Corbyn asked, as he gently pulled in his baby brother for a hug.

Zach nodded as he hugged Corbyn around his torso. Little tears escaped the boys eyes as he dug his head into his oldest brother.

"No, Zachy. Don't cry" Corbyn rubbed Zach's back.

Daniel scooped up the twelve year old in his arms and smiled at his still youngest boy. As Daniel cuddled him.

"I- I'm a big boy!" Zach protested, trying to escape his dads grasp.

"You'll forever be my baby" Daniel whispered.


Jonah came back from work just as Daniel had finished making diner. Jack had set the table as Corbyn was helping Zach with his maths homework in the lounge.

"I'm home!" Jonah smiled, as Zach immediately jumped into his arms.

"I've missed you" Zach muttered.

"I've missed you too, Z" Jonah kissed his son on the cheek.


As the family sat around the table, doing small talk as Zach playfully threw a piece of his food at Jack.

"Zachy, don't do that" Corbyn told his younger brother.

Zach didn't listen as he threw another piece of lasagna at his older brother. Jonah dropped his knife and fork on his plate, causing everyone to be silent.

"Listen to your brother. That's enough" Jonah sternly told him.

Immediately, Zach's bottom lip started to quiver as he looked down at his plate in embarrassment. All he wanted to do was make his older brother laugh.

"Don't cry again" Jack whispered as a smirk appeared on his face.

Corbyn's eyebrows knitted together at Jacks comment. He looked at his dads, but they didn't hear it. Corbyn shot Jack a quick death stare from across the table, forcing the smirk off Jacks face.

"How was school?" Jonah asked his sons.

"It was okay" Zach muttered, still looking down at his uneaten dinner.

Daniel expected to hear his son talk his other dads ear off about his new friend. But the response left Daniel confused.

"Why don't you tell dad about your new friend?" Daniel suggested.

Jonah's face lit up at the comment that Zach had made a new friend. Zach has always been shy when it came to making friends. But apart from that, he was the most talkative out of everyone in his class.

"Who's your new friend? Better not be a girl" Jonah joked.

"Not that Zach can even speak to a girl" Jack laughed.

Corbyn rolled his eyes at his younger brother and took a bite of his food. Jonah and Daniel laughed a little at Jacks comment.

"I'm going to bed" Zach told everyone quietly.

"You've barley eaten your food, Zach. Sit down" Jonah told his youngest son.

Zach shook his head as he ran up the stairs and into his bedroom. A loud slam was heard as Zach pushed his door shut. The dads sighed as they looked at each other.

"Jack! You know how sensitive he can get" Corbyn told his brother.

"It was a joke! Not my problem he's a baby" Jack laughed.

"Jack, that's no way to talk about your brother. Now is it?" Daniel asked his son.

"I guess no-"

But before Jack would finish his sentence. A smash was heard, coming from Zach's room. Jonah and Daniel immediately ran to Zach's bedroom door. Leaving a worried Corbyn and Jack downstairs.


As the two dads swung open Zach's door. They saw Zach's smashed mirror and the distraught boy on his knees in tears.

"Zach!" Jonah panicked.

Jonah immediately lifted Zach off the ground and into his arms. As Zach cried into his dads shoulders, Corbyn and Jack rushed in behind their parents.

"Boys, please go back downstairs" Jonah told them, as he held the devastated boy in his arms.

Jack nodded as he pulled a stunned Corbyn back down the stairs. Daniel also embraced his husband and son. Zach kept his head in his dads shoulder as he cried.

"You're okay, bud" Jonah whispered.

"Are you hurt?" Daniel asked his youngest son. As Daniel looked into his sons eyes.

Zach shook his head 'no' and small whimpers escaped his lips. Daniel took his twelve year old son out of Jonah's grasp and took Zach in for a hug.

"Why did you break the mirror?" Jonah asked.

"I- I did- didn't me- mean too" Zach cried.

"We're not mad. We're just really worried about you" Daniel told his son.

"I- I was rea- really upset a-at Ja- Jacky" Zach sniffled.

"We'll make him apologise once we've cleaned this mess and you have calmed down. Okay?" Jonah smiled at his son.

Zach nodded as he rested his head on his dads shoulder.

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