Selective Mutism

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Jennie's back.. back again.. -JUSTJENNIE back, tell your friends


Selective mutism is a severe anxiety disorder where a person is unable to speak in certain social situations



Jack and Gabriela Avery

(adopted + biological)

Christina: 16: biological
Jonah: 12, biological
Zach and Daniel: 7, adopted twins
Corbyn: 5, foster child 



The couple loved their children, their biological children and the adopted twins.

But they felt as if their family were still incomplete.

When they got a call from the foster agency that their was a young boy in need of emergency housing they didn't hesitate to agree.

The boy was dropped off later during the night, the couples children already asleep in bed when the door knocked and the social worker was stood there with a dirty red backpack and the smallest boy the parents had seen.

"This is Corbyn, he's five years old and he has selective mutism. If he doesn't try to communicate with you please don't force him, it could cause him to lash out.. he did with his other foster parents" The social worker gently explained. "I'm going to leave you with Mr and Mrs Avery now, Corbyn. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask, I know it's scary"

The boy didn't react, not even a little head nod.

"This is his backpack, it only has his teddy bear in, do not lose it.. he's very protective over the little thing" The social worker spoke, now bending down to Corbyn's height. "You're going to be fine with Mr and Mrs Avery, they're some of the nicest people ever!"

The boy nodded a little, hugging one of the only humans who had ever showed him kindness, not wanting to let her go.

"It's time to go with the Avery's now, I'll check up on you soon" She smiled at the boy, gently pushing him through the door.

The social worker left, leaving Jack with the red backpack and blue bear inside.

Corbyn didn't look at either one of the parents, uncomfortably he stared down at the ground.

"Come upstairs with us, we can get you changed into some pj's and get you comfortable, would you like that, Corbyn?" Gabbie asked, bending down to his level. "I know it's scary moving to new home, would you like to sleep in our room? Instead of on your own?"

Corbyn nodded ever so slightly, Gabbie smiling as she stood up, outstretching her hand to see if Corbyn would take it, which he hesitantly did.

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