One unfortunate friday night (PT 3)

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Parents: Daniel and Abby Jo

Tatum: 12
Jack and Jonah: 10
Corbyn: 8
Gabbie: 7
Eben: 6
Zach: 4

After Zach's diagnosis, and the Seavey family seemed to be doing amazing.

Abby found out she was two months pregnant during the time the families life seemed to be heading nowhere.

A few weeks after Abby found out she told Daniel, who was bursting with joy.

But the happy couple were worried.

Weeks passed and after many doctor visits Abby and Daniel were happy to tell their children that their momma was now four months pregnant.

Zach was now four, as Jack and Jonah were ten, Tatum was almost thirteen and Eben was now six.

Zach's medication has been working, unfortunately the side effects can be a little too much for the four year old. But all in all, he was almost back to being himself.


Months had passed, and Abby was now eight and a half months pregnant.

Tatum was finally thirteen and Gabbie was now eight. Corbyn's birthday came later in the year, that is why he was still eight years old.

"Momma?" Corbyn asked, barley above a whisper.

Abby rubbed her tired eyes as she cautiously sat up from her bed.

The light from the hallway was slowly seeping into her once dark room.

Abby turned to look at her husband, only to see that he wasn't there.

"Yes, baby?" Abby gently asked.

"I- i- i don't k- know" Corbyn cried, his small hand still gripping onto his parents door handle.

Abby's facial features softened. None of the children had cried at night in months. They all have been sleeping fine, Eben and Zach now share a bedroom, as does Tatum and Gabbie, and Jack, Jonah and Corbyn.

"Sweetheart? Come here" Abby's kind words slipped out of her mouth.

But Corbyn shook his head 'no.' As he stayed nervously by the door.

If Abby wasn't so heavily pregnant she would have forced Corbyn into her bed to talk to her.

But not only was she exhausted, she also couldn't be bothered to deal with one of her children at half eleven on a Friday night.

"Go bother your father then" Abby didn't mean to snap at her son.

Corbyn tearfully nodded as he gently closed his parents door shut.

Abby immediately went to try and get out of her bed. But the pain in her ankles and back made it nearly impossible for that.

So instead, she texted her husband, Daniel, to make sure that he checked up on the crying boy.

Abby Jo
Can you please check on Corbyn and
Zach when you come up to bed?

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