xxvi. growing too fast

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"Mum! Daddy won't let me." Ran Elio next to Phoebe, out of breath. "Please say that you don't know where I am." Talked the three years old boy.

Shawn and Elijah ran through the living room, looking around. "Babe, did you see Elio?" He queried.

Phoebe smiled lightly. "No, sorry but I think he went that way." She told the boys as they sighed and ran the other way. "You okay there, E?"

Elio shook his head. "Dad scares me, he keeps running after me." He complained. "And— And Elijah won't let me go too."

Phoebe pouted kneeling down. "Baby, they're playing with you!" She chuckled, tickling his tummy.

Phoebe stared at her little boy, feeling overwhelmed. After her and Shawn's breakup and her miscarriage, she never thought she would see him again...but here she was with their little boys running everywhere in the house.

"Why you crying, mama?" Asked Elio, laying his tiny hand on his mum's cheek. "Daddy! Mum is crying." He yelled, catching Shawn's attention.

You dried the few tears. "I'm okay, baby." She told him with a wide smile.

Shawn walked in with Elijah in his arms, he gave you a weird look before kneeling down. "Hey, boys! Why don't you go to your room for a second?" The two boys nodded their heads, walking upstairs. "Hey babe, what's happening?"

She shrugged. "I was staring at Elio and felt a little too overwhelmed, it's just such a blessing to have you three by my side and... I honestly thought it would never happen after I lost the baby..."

"After we lost the baby, honey." He corrected her, sending her a smile. "Stop thinking of the past, now we're together with two amazing boys alright?"

Phoebe nodded. "Alright." She gently told him as he pecked her lips sweetly. "I love you and I always will."

"I love you, babe." He told her. "What about you go out and spend a nice day with one of your friend, mmh? I'll take care of the boys." He proposed.

She smiled softly. "You sure? What about I go out with Poppy and Brian comes here with you?"

"Sounds good, hunny." Replied Shawn,, kissing her forehead. "I'll go call Brian."

Hours later, Phoebe was walking outside with Poppy. Both of them talking about everything in their lives, work, family, friends. They both sat down at a coffee and ordered.

"So? Did you and Bri talked about starting a family?" She asked.

Poppy shrugged. "Only a few times, he's still very scary of having babies." She chuckled.

"I don't understand why though! He's doing so good with the boys." Commented Pheebs. "Right? He's funny, gentle and yeah. You guys should try it."

Poppy shrugged. "He's doing good with your boys cause they aren't his..." Stated Poppy.

Phoebe scoffed "Poppy, honey, please! We are a family, you guys have been there for the boys since day one, Shawn and I are very grateful." Said the woman. "I know this is your dream to have babies and if it makes you happy then he will understand."

"You are right, I will tak with him later." Replied Poppy. "How are you, by the way?"

Phoebe smiled at her best friend. "Amazing, on a cloud. After a few months, I still can't believe the fact that my boys are here. Shawn and I come from so far, I sometimes wonder how it would have been if we didn't get back together you know? Will I be happy? I don't even know if I'm capable to feel at home when he's not here."

It happened so many times, her thinking of how life would be if her and Shawn didn't get back together. Would Vince and her still be together? Would they have kids together? Maybe Poppy and Brian would never have married...Shawn would have been with another woman having the life they were supposed to have.

"Pheebs, stop having bad thoughts. All it matters is that he is here, by your side with the little monsters of yours." She told Pheebs as the woman let out a laugh. "He loves you and will never leave you, trust me! He is mad about you."

After an hour, both of them drove back to Pheeb's where the guys were. They walked in the living room, hearing noises from outside. They went to the garden seeing Shawn and Brian drink a beer and the boys jumping in the pool with Oreo, Poppy's dog.

"Hey guys." Said Pheebs. "Hey babe." She said to Shawn, kissing his lips.

"How was the afternoon?" Queried Poppy sitting down.

Brian sighed, shrugging. "Great, Shawn and I talked and laughed with the boys." He smiled at her. "How was yours, ladies?"

"We just talked which was really needed." Laughed Pheebs, sitting on Shawn's thigh.

Bri pouted watching the boys. "They're growing too fast..."

Shawn let out a laugh, shaking his head. "He keeps repeating this since he got there! You should have one on your own, man."

Brian hummed. "Probably, I should yeah." He took a deep breath. "I want a baby with Poppy but I'm scared, I just don't know when is the right time to have one...How did you guys know?"

Shawn glanced at me, smile on his face. "There is no right time for a baby, man. It just happened and usually they become your world as soon as she said those words, I'm pregnant. Phoebe and I weren't excepecting the twins, it just happened...of course we talk about it a few times before but it was not planned."

"But you guys are doing so great with them, I'm not sure I will be the same..." Explained Brian

After a whole damn month, I'm back?

Will try to update soon because the story is almost over, only two/three chapters then we're done :/

Thank you to everyone who still reads it hahaha

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