"Aren't you on paternity leave?" I questioned.

"I think I can manage to come back for a couple hours a day," Nick shrugged. "Gavin is doing great with the boys anyway."

"Thanks, Nick," I smiled.

"No problem," Nick answers. We both sipped on our cocoa, and settled in.

"So. The story. Give me the full story," Nick said.

I explained everything from Christen to Connor kicking me out, and Nick listened well the whole time. When I finally finished, I had just one question for him.

"Did you know?"

"Did I know what?" Nick questioned.

"About Kamski. And his programming," I asked.

"No...but...I think you're looking at this wrong," Nick shrugged.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...he might've programmed you two. He might've tortured the shit out of you guys in a lab. He might've manufactured your whole relationship. But isn't it weird to you though that no one else caught your eye? I mean he could program in deviancy and attraction...but he couldn't prevent you from being attracted to anyone else. You've never felt attracted to Markus, or the RK you met at Jericho, or Asher Kam...and they're who you're programmed to. I mean...who cares if RKs and CRs are more prone to fall in love with one another? Connor and you fell in love with each other. No other CR caught his eye, and no other RK caught yours," Nick explained.

Suddenly, Christen's warning was starting to make a lot of sense. She never told me...because it didn't matter.

"I guess...I guess that's right," I nodded.

"You bet. On the other hand...I don't like this Ethan guy."

"You never did."

"No, I mean...I don't like how he talked to you. Everything he said sounded weird. Very odd. I guess I'd have to see it for myself, but that feels weird, doesn't it?"

"I don't think so. I was dumb and made a mistake. It's me."

"But he didn't stop you. I mean sure, you're autonomous and all, but he didn't think for one moment that you're married? It didn't bother him at all?" Nick questioned.

"I guess not."

"I think it's weird," Nick shrugged. As he did, the washer buzzed letting him know my clothes were done, and had to go in the dryer. He jumped up and threw them in the dryer, and when he returned he looked relatively refreshed.

"We should get you back to Connor, huh?" Nick shrugged.

"I don't think he'll be happy to see me," I explained.

"You guys just have to talk it out. Trust me," Nick nodded.

"Trust you? Yeah, you've never done something this dumb," I chuckled.

"Oh, haven't I?" Nick questioned.

"You've cheated?"

"My 20s were a pretty constant stream of me breaking hearts."

"I thought you spent most of your 20s a monogamous virgin?" I questioned.

"Well, like the first 3 years. Then I had a pretty bad breakup and until I was like 29 it was pretty downhill. Constantly flirting, one night stands, short-term relationships, and anything long-term I spent cheating. I was a pretty awful guy."

"And none of those worked out. How is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"None? I like to think one hookup did," Nick shrugged.

"You hooked up wit Gavin before you guys started dating?" I questioned.

"Back at the academy after a long night of drinking. I don't even think he remembers," Nick smiled. "That was a good night."

"Wow. Have you ever been cheated on?" I asked.

Nick sighed and sat down. "I mean..yeah. Karma got me back. It waited a while and until I was married but yeah," Nick shrugged.

"Gavin cheated on you?" I nearly shouted sitting up.

"Quiet! I don't want him to know I'm telling you. But yes. Back when the marriage was getting started, Gavin had a fling with a 20-something twink from Boston and while it fucked with me for a minute or two, we got over it and things are fine now."

"Over it? You guys argue like all the time."

"Bolts, arguments are not a sign of an unhealthy relationship. In fact, they're pretty common and integral to a good one. Fights happen, but so long as you don't say or do anything you regret, and you come out of them feeling better than you did before, it's alright. You need to understand each other more, and sometimes that means disagreements, but so long as you're not an ass...it's okay," Nick shrugged. "But that doesn't mean if you're not arguing you have a problem. It's just not okay if you repress things."

I sighed, and nodded.

"Now that we've revealed exactly how karma has came for Nick, why don't we work on fixing this relationship. Let's start with flowers..." Nick smiled, grabbing his laptop off the kitchen table.

THE CHASE - Connor x OC (I Am Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now