EP: Our Future

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Jin's Pov:

Sitting on the beach playing with the sand between my fingers as the water washed against the shore. My mind begins to process a lot of different things as I watch my daughter and Taehyung play in the water together. He has her lifted in the air while she's giggling and making a fuss of herself.

As I look at both of them, I wonder what life would've been like if I hadn't returned. Where would I be, and where would they be right now? Over the past five years, Taehyung had changed so much. A complete family man. Dedicated to making me and Bleu happy, he had grown a lot and continued to grow more each day. We were growing together as a family, as well.

I was learning more and more about him. As well as I was revealing things about myself that he had no idea about. I could safely say I am at a place where I don't regret my decision for returning. He has never made me once feel like I should have.

Each day I found something new to love him for. He was certainly not the man I married three years ago either. Taehyung's drive and persistence to be better for his family was beyond admirable. Sometimes I have to really wonder if this was the same person I had known a few years back.

"Daddy do it again," Bleu screamed out in laughter, requesting her dad throws her up in the air again. I couldn't help but smile at the happiness on her face. She was, indeed, our sunshine.

Bleu kept Taehyung on his toes. She was undoubtedly a daddy's girl. They did almost everything together as well as they hate the same things. Her dad dislikes ketchup, and so does she. Every time I give her something, the first thing she asks is, "does daddy like this?" Sometimes I have to trick her into saying that he does. If I tell her he doesn't, she won't eat it.

I have never seen two people so connected. If she's hurt, it's like he's hurt. I pray that nothing happens to one of them because I don't know how the other would survive.

Don't get me wrong I would be affected too, but those two are too connected for their own good. I have yet to see a father and daughter relationship as such. Not to mention how much he spoils her.

Bleu had everything she wanted and needed. Sometimes I came off as the bad guy because I have to be the one to put limits in place. I cannot raise her to think everything she wants; she will always get. One day it could happen where her dad and I aren't around.

"Appa you not coming in the water?" My daughter ran towards me and was about to jump down on me, but thankful her father lifted her.

"Baby girl I told you, you can't jump on you Appa like that. Do you want to hurt your baby brother?" Taehyung asks her while blowing at her navel, causing her to giggle in a fit of laughter.

"Thank you." I mouthed to him.

I am eight months pregnant with our son, who should be here within a month. This time it seems like I will have a full-term pregnancy which I'm excited about.

This was a planned pregnancy, something he and I decided we both wanted. We were also both thrilled when we found out it was a boy.

I think that will be it for us. One boy and one girl were all we needed. Bleu was a handful as it is, and I can't begin to imagine just how much Taehyung is going to spoil our son.

He was leaving it up to me to name our son; I am still undecided on a name. I'll have to think of one within the next month. I already have one in mind but still uncertain.

"Bleu go get your things and let's go. Appa must be tired of laying in the sun all day." Taehyung said to our daughter. She ran off and did as her father instructed, which was no surprise.

"I bet if I said that she wouldn't have moved so quickly," I said, shaking my head.

"What can I say she's a daddy's girl." He smiles and looks in her direction.

"She sure is."

"Let's go to dinner tonight, you and me. We could leave her with Jimin and Yoongi so we can have the night to ourselves. What do you say?" He questions as he bends down and begins rubbing my belly his face close to mines.

"I'd like that very much," I told him kissing him on his lips.

"I love you." He whispers against my lips.

"I love you more."

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