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Two Weeks Later...

Jin's Pov:

I was in Jeju at my parent's house. I got discharged from the hospital a week ago, and I came here ever since. I had gotten the chance to see Bleu before flying out, it troubled me to leave her, but I needed a breather. She is young right now, she won't get it. I couldn't let because of her I didn't take care of her. If I am no good to myself, there is no way I can be any good to her.

"Are you considering going back?" Namjoon questioned me while he sat beside me. He was kind enough to come by and keep my company. Nothing was going on between us, but he was really good at giving comfort. I had confided in him and told him everything that had happened.

"I have to go back, Bleu is there, I at least need to see her." I was not going to forsake my child.

"How about Taehyung?"

"I don't know." When it came to Taehyung, I tried not to think about him much.

"Do you love him?"

"He hurt me a lot, Namjoon."

"That's not what I asked. It's obvious he hurt you, hence why you ran here, not once, but twice. However, I want to know, do you love him or not?"

I leaned my head back on the chair and thought about it for a while. I knew the answer, I just felt stupid, "I do." I whispered.

"Then what's stopping you from going back?" I turned and looked at him in disbelief.

"Namjoon I told you all that he did. Wouldn't I look foolish going back?"

"You did, but you also love and care for him. Taehyung, what he did, truthfully he should pay for it. He put you through a lot, but you were able to get closure from him. He confessed his sins, he apologized. He has been giving you your space. He has not bothered you once since you have been here. You can heal from the pain he has caused you, it's clear that pain never stopped you from falling for him. I think you are doing what society would expect you to do, but I want you to do what seems right to you. Do you believe in your heart that he's deserving of another chance? If you do, then you should give him a second chance.

He is broken, and he will never get the chance to heal like. I think that's the part of me that feels for him. His perpetrators never even confess what they did. I can't imagine the pain he has lived with, while that does not justify what he has done to you. I feel for him, in a sick way, I understand him. You are right; he should have approached you differently, but he didn't so now you must decide what you are going to do. Are you going to forgive him and go back or, are you going to take your child and move on? The choice is really yours. Think about it with your heart and what you want, not what I or anyone else want you to do. If you think you can trust him, then you should. If you believe you can have a future with him, then so should you.

I can't make that decision for you and neither can anyone else. I personally think he could've been a good guy had it not been for his circumstances. I do believe he would've been perfect for you had it not been for what he has done to you. That's what I hate the most about life, all it takes is one occurrence to change the course of things. For example, had he not come back for you, we probably would've been together. However, I would not have met Jackon."

After Namjoon finished his speech, I was right back where I started, "You don't think it's sick that a part of me aches for him?"

"No, if you love him like you say you do, then no. It shows you are willing to care for him even while knowing his flaws. I think that's what he needs."

"I fear a lot, though. I fear he might never change, I fear he will hurt me once again."

"I understand you. It's normal to feel that way, especially after all that you've been through. However, I am curious though how is that you fear all these things, but you don't fear him being alone with your daughter?"

"I..." I was silent. "I-well, he loves her," I said, she was special to him.

"He loves you, as well. How do you know that you not being there will be a reason for him to take his anger out at her?"

"He would never do that!" I jumped up from my seat and glared at Namjoon. "How could you say that? He is not a monster." I yelled at him.

"And that right there is why you need to go back. That and the fact that you also need to eat." Namjoon said as he leaned back in the chair and smiled.

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