I Don't Want It

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Jin's Pov:
One week later...

I don't want this baby. That's all I kept thinking when I found out. However, my parents somehow forgot I was an adult and weren't having it. They were disgusted and ashamed that I would even begin to think about doing away with the fetus. They didn't even care about knowing the father. They just assumed the father had something to do with why I was here. Which, they are were correct on, but I wouldn't say anything to let them know if they were right or wrong.

I was now eight weeks pregnant, which meant I didn't get pregnant when Taehyung forced himself onto me; I was already pregnant. This makes it even sicker. He used and abused me while I was freaking pregnant with this thing in my stomach. Why couldn't it he have killed it while he raped and choked me? Why do I now have to live with a piece of him in my life? Leaving Seoul and coming to Jeju was supposed to bring me peace, not more misery.

I grabbed a bottle of wine out my mothers wine stand and began pouring myself a glass. I needed a drink, and I need something to help numb this pain and emptiness within me.

"Are you nut?!" My mother said, grabbing the wine glass out of my hand, causing the wine to splash all over the countertop.

"Why would you do that!" I yelled at her. She's ruining my life, and I am not a kid anymore. "Stop meddling in my life will you," I said glaring at her.

"I can't believe I raised you Seokjin. You are pregnant, and you won't drink alcohol, are you insane! You so badly want to take a child's life. Why don't you tell whoever the father is and let them take the baby after him/her is born? Hell, if he doesn't want the baby, your dad and I will take it. Just stop whatever it is you are trying to do. You will regret it son. You got pregnant; now you need to be responsible and carry that child." What the fuck did she know? Father my ass. He doesn't want this baby, nor was he ever going to find out about it.

"Whatever mom. I'll keep it. Just stop meddling in my life. Let me in peace." I dropped the wine bottle on the table, not caring if it broke.

"Seokjin your mom is just worried about you. You are pregnant and angry, that's not a good mix sweetie. You seem mad at the entire world, that's not the Seokjin I am used to. You are hardly eating; you go from your room to the porch every day, that's not a healthy baby. Your dad and I are leaving soon in another two months for the U.S., and I feel uncomfortable leaving you by yourself. Please, I'm begging you to start taking care of yourself. You are not on your own anymore. Every decision you make going forward will be affecting that little one inside you. So be careful." I just stood there and cried as she spoke. I wish she could understand how I felt inside.

Right now I don't feel anything for this thing inside of me. My life is even more ruined than it was before. I was supposed to be finding a job, not finding out I'm pregnant for a monster. Who did I wrong in my past life that I must go through this.

"I hear you, mom. I'll give everything some thought." I walked out of the kitchen, and out of the house, I was headed.

I need to walk on the beach and clear my head. While walking, my phone rang. It was Jimin.

"Hi Jimin." I wasn't in the mood to talk.

"How are you, Jinnie? You've been so silent, is your dad okay?" He was always concern about me. He had been calling me a lot within the last few weeks, but I didn't want to be bothered. Apart of me wanted nothing to do with those surrounding Taehyung.

"I'm fine. No, dad condition is not better. I think it got worse." Well, mine did.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. You must be so stressed out." You have no idea.

"It's been tough Jimin. Real tough. But we are trying to pull through." I pregnant with a baby I don't want.

"Wow, well I will keep praying for your family. Hoseok told me you put through your resignation. I'm sad, but your dad comes first. I hope when you move back, you'll be able to reinstate your position. Although I don't know what's going on at this company. Taehyung has gone insane. He hardly comes into work anymore. Still looks like he's not sleeping and he lost a ton of weight. I wonder if he has a disease or maybe cancer, I'm not sure and Yoongi said he don't know anything either. It's bizarre, though. You're dealing with your dad struggle, and he's here going crazy as he is dealing with his own personal struggles. Life is just so weird. Two people, two different types of pain.
     Sorry, I think I spoke too much. It's just so much going on that I'm starting to lose it."

"It's fine, Jimin. I enjoy talking to you. Sounds like a lot going on at work. Thankfully I'm not there, but I gotta go, I'll call you later." I did not allow him to respond before hanging up.

Taehyung is going insane, he says. I wonder how was that even possible, he was already mad, but I guess Jimin didn't know what side of him.

However, I did and I sure my unborn fetus knows as well. He probably was going crazy trying to find me as he still called me. No matter how many times I block the number, he calls from a new one. He sent me text messages too, ones filled with threats one moment and then the next moment he was sweet as a pie.

It's just crazy how the father of my unborn child is a psycho who is unknown to many.

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