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Jin's Pov:

Last night was a tough night. Seeing Taehyung as emotional as he was confused me. I don't know his pain, nor can I understand it. I'm just willing to do what I can right now to survive and give birth to this child, that's all I can do. I told him I will try, but honestly, what choice do I really have? He might have given me an option, but I don't think that means anything to Taehyung when he begins losing his mind. He didn't come to bed last night, I think maybe he felt he was too vulnerable with me, I don't know. When I woke up, he had already left. I was okay with that honestly.

Jimin was stopping by today. I had connected with him and told him I was back in Seoul, and by Taehyung, he was surprised to hear I was back, but indeed not surprised I was with Taehyung. I was preparing lunch for him but had to sit and rest. My back had started to hurt a lot, and my feet were aching as well. Being pregnant is not fun at all, especially when you are living the life I am living. I feel really alone and just tired all the time.

buzz buzz

The sound of the alert started going off, which leads me to believe Jimin was here. Feeling too lazy to get up, I pulled up the camera on my phone, confirming it was him. Turning off the alarm and entering the pin code to the door, giving him access to come inside.

"Jimin I am in the living room to your left!" I yelled out to direct him towards me.

"Taehyung live in a big ass place. Why he needs all this space for?" Jimin said, walking over to me, "oh my gosh! You are showing, but why aren't you glowing and why do you look so sad?" he asks a bunch of questions while putting down two bouquets of flowers in vases on the centerpiece table and giving me a hug. He then takes a seat next to me on the sofa and turns to face me. "I feel like I have not seen you in forever, you even gained weight. But, duh the pregnancy will do that. So you and Taehyung, wow! I am still in shock, I knew I speculated, but I can't believe you are back and in his house, that's like, just wow!" I forgot just how much Jimin could talk.

"Yeah, things happen, you know. We are just waiting on the little one to arrive." I said, giving him a weak smile. He leans back on the sofa, "you don't sound happy, nor do you look happy whats wrong trouble in paradise?" More like there is no paradise. "No, it's nothing like that. Being pregnant just ain't easy. I am a bit tired today." It was half of the truth.

"I can only imagine. I am so appreciative, Yoongi, and I decided to wait on having kids. I can't imagine myself pregnant and the weight I would gain, oh my gosh. I mean, you gained weight, but in a good way. You look healthy. I have seen some people while pregnant, and just wow, a kid can really mess you up." he said, shaking his head.

"Yeah, I guess. You brought me flowers?" I asked, looking to change the subject.

"Actually one is from me, and Hoseok and the other Jungkook sent," he said excitedly point to the one from him and Hoseok.

"Wait, Jungkook?" I asked confused

"Yeah, I told him you were back in Seoul. I didn't tell him you are pregnant, but he asked if you were returning to work and I told him I am not sure as you are sick. Then I told him I was paying you a visit today. Next thing I know he ran out got you flowers and a card. He was a bit disappointed that you left as soon as he started, he was worried you left because you didn't like him, but I told him about your parents, so he's cool now."

"Interesting, well let him know I said thank you," I told him with a smile, that was sweet of Jungkook he didn't have to. I felt terrible, he thinks I had left because of him.

"I gave him your number so he will text you later, you can let him know. I can't believe I almost hooked you up with him while you were dating Taehyung all this time. It all makes sense now, though. Even in our last meeting with you and why he acted so weird. He was jealous. Taehyung is so weird, I swear I don't get how Yoongi deals with him. He is a ticking time bomb at times, but I guess Yoongi fits into that world. They work well together, but I would never want to work closely with the two of them." I chuckled a bit.

"I don't think either one of us wants to work with you closely Jimin." Taehyung voice interrupted us as he walked into the house.

I jumped a bit as I was not expecting him anytime soon. "You are home?" I wonder how much of our conversation he had heard.

"You got flowers?" He said, making his way around to Jimin and me.

"Yeah Jimin-"

"I brought him flowers. Well, Hoseok and I sent this one and Jungkook sent that one." Jimin said, pointing out the flowers on the table, talking over me. Just great.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung question and I saw something flash before his eyes.

"Yeah, you know, Director Jungkook? Your employee? He knew I was visiting Jin and sent flowers." Jimin continued on.

Taehyung gave a smile, "Okay. I see. Thanks, Jimin." He starts off towards the hallway that leads to the bedroom, "Jin, don't forget we have that doctors appointment in an hour." The appointment, we don't have an appointment. "We don-" I began to say until I caught sight of his glare. "Oh okay, that appointment, I completely forgot."

I turned to Jimin and gulp, "I'm so sorry Jimin, I don't think I planned this out properly. Can we hang out another time? I forgot Taehyung, and I had an appointment." Jimin looked at me for a moment, but then laughed, "must be your pregnancy brain. It's okay. We can hang out over the weekend. Maybe I'll invite you out with Hoseok, Jungkook, and I been hanging out a lot. Plus we are showing Jungkook around too. He loves the place." I smiled weakly at him, "Yeah, that would be nice. I would like that very much." Truthfully I doubt I'd be able to go. Psycho was probably not too happy right now.

Jimin gave me a long hug before I walked him to the door and locked it. So much for cooking. What was Taehyung doing home anyway? He had work.

"Why didn't you put back on the alarm?" Taehyung said, frightening me as I turn around. He looked agitated. "I-I forgot. Jimin came in, and I felt tired, I wasn't thinking right." I told him and began walking towards the kitchen.

"Did I give you permission to walk away while I am talking to you? Do you think because I cried in front of you, you can treat me anyway?" He said, making me stop immediately and turning to face him, "N-no." What's wrong now?

"Jungkook is sending you flowers now? Have you been talking to him?" Why did Jimin have to open up his mouth? "No, Jungkook and I are not talking. He was being nice and sent flowers. It meant no harm."

"So now he is nice?" somebody please just kill me. "I will show you nice!" he yells and storms over to the living room picking up both vases with the bouquet of flowers and smashing them against the floor, I skipped as splinters and water splattered across the floor flying everywhere.


"Don't even start! Am I not enough for you? Why are you accepting flowers from Jungkook? You fucking pregnant with my child, and now you want to act like a whore accepting gifts from another man?!" His voice getting louder with every word as he stalks over to me, pointing his finger at my face. "I am not a whore! Jungkook and I are nothing, he was jus-" my words were cut off as he grabs me by my throat "You are picking up for him now?" I pressed onto his hand as my breathing becomes restricted. Thankfully he releases me, and I began coughing abruptly.

"I see what you are doing, you trying to cause me to hurt my baby, by being a whore!"

"Stop calling me a whore!" I screamed out at him, and maybe I shouldn't have. I should've known better as I felt the stink across my face. I am sure my lips was either burst or swollen from the slap he had given me. I broke down in tears as he raised his hands again. I closed my eyes awaiting the impact while the therapist and what she said came to mind, "Taehyung, baby, I am sorry. Jungkook is nothing to me, but you are something to me. I don't want his flowers." The slap never came, I open my eyes, and his hands were at his side, and he had a conflicted look on his face. I took the opportunity and stepped closer to him, "I only want flowers you buy me, can you please buy me flowers?" I asked, caressing his hand and rubbing it with my own.

He pulls me to him and begins kissing me with hunger and urgency.

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