Why Seokjin?

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Jin's Pov:

Thankfully before I could respond to him or he could do something to me, my father walked in. "Am I interrupting something?" my dad said eyeing Taehyung suspiciously.

"No," I quickly said. "Dad, this is Taehyung, he was just about to leave," I told him praying he would go.

"Nonsense, honey, this is Taehyung, the father of Seokjin baby. See I told you our son wouldn't carelessly get pregnant by someone he didn't know. Taehyung here came by to visit and check in on Jin. Isn't it perfect timing? Our baby does not need to be left alone with our precious granddaughter." My mother walked down the stairs and but in. What was wrong with this woman.

My father curious expression now turned into one of amusement, "Seriously? Seokjin why would you lie to your parents? Do you know how worried your mom and I was? I even called Dr. Kim and asked him to come over from time to time and check on you as I was concerned about leaving you here by yourself. Not knowing you have this handsome guy hiding. Why did you do that?" My father seemed disappointed.

"Dad, it's not like that, Taehyung and I-"

"Seokjin and I had some challenges in Seoul. See the thing is, I think I put too much pressure onto him. Seokjin worked at my company where I am the CEO; I am sure you can only imagine the burden that dating your boss comes with. He often got frustrated with me because of it. We had a few disagreements, and I think in trying to teach me a lesson he came here to cool off. I told Mrs. Kim, I should've come earlier, but running a company is no joke. It's been very hectic and demanding. However, I did make sure to call Seokjin every single day. I was able to take some time off from work and come here hoping I can convince him to come back home with me. I don't want him being here by himself any more than you do. I would rather have him and our baby in my home where I could care for him as well as get him the best care possible. I am so sorry I have been neglectful in taking care of your son, please forgive me?"

Not only was he a psycho, but a pathological liar as well. I stood there in silence as I am sure if I opened my mouth, my parents would not believe a word I had to say, not with the crock a shit he was selling them.

"Isn't he just so sweet?" my mother gushed to her husband.

"sure, you are forgiven, son. My son can be unruly at times. He did the same to us when he ran off to Seoul for college. We thought he was going to come back, but he never did until he showed up here recently. His mother always worries about him. I think he needs someone like you in his life to keep him on track. But if you don't mind me asking what made a handsome and successful man like yourself fall for our Seokjin that you would date him to the point where you now got him pregnant?"

Yes, please do tell psycho, what's your obsession with me?

Taehyung laughed, "I think we might need to sit down for this one Mr. & Mrs. Kim."

"Please, let's go to the family room, we can sit there and talk." my mother said. I rolled my eyes, "Babe, let's go." Taehyung said, pulling my hand and leading me to the family room behind my parents. I tried pulling away from him, but he only held on tighter.

Once we were in the family room and seated, my mother urges Taehyung to tell us how he "fell" for me. Damn psychopath.

"So it was the morning of August 25, 2015. I was having the worst day of my life. The entire month had been a struggle for me. My mother had died after five years of battling cancer. I found out after she died that my father had been cheating on her throughout her entire time being sick. As if that wasn't superb enough, he died two weeks later of a brain tumor. I was devastated.

The company, my father, had left in my care was now being taken from me by our competitor because after my mother had gotten ill, my father had indulged in a lot of illegal things which cause the company to fall a lot more than it should have. It was my job to ensure that didn't happen. I had to uphold the family name. I was the only person left. It was a lot for me to do, but I was adamant on continuing the business, I was not going to hand it over his competitor.

Everyone in the company that my father had trusted I found out was against him, and they wanted the company to fall. I was young and an idiot to them, so they toyed with my mind until I realize their real motive. The morning I met Seokjin, I was in a rush to go to a meeting to present my idea to an investor who would be able to pull the company out of the financial deficit it was in. However, everything was working against me until I met Seokjin."

The psycho looked over at me and smiled; I was convinced I saw tears in his eyes. He quickly turned and faced my parents again, "He offered me his coffee as if he had sensed I was in a hurry, but that wasn't all, it was raining hard, and he followed behind me giving me that umbrella I came here with today. Had it not been for Seokjin kindness towards me that day I would've gone to the meeting soaking wet, a complete mess which would probably cause me to lose the deal with the investors which was the stepping stone in building back up my company to what it is now — Seoul's biggest and most successful consulting firm.

Your son coming into my life, was a blessing, one I could not let escape me. When I found out, I won the deal. I wanted so badly to see him and celebrate with him, but I didn't have any idea who he was. I eventually hired a P.I. To scout him out at the Starbucks and I found out the University he was attending. One thing led to another we got a chance to meet, and the rest is history."

He turned and looked at me, "He is very precious to me, someone who I am not willing to let go from my life. He is my hope and my angel. When I thought the world could not be trusted, he showed me that I was wrong. He showed me that you could move forward even if you have one person to care. His act of kindness changed my life forever, and now I want to do nothing more than to share the things I have earned because of him, with him."

I watched as my mother gushed and clung onto my father. I stared at Taehyung in shock. I wasn't sure if what he was saying was true. My heart ached, finding out he had lost his parents; it was something I didn't know about him. What we previously had never allowed for personal or intimate conversations. This was new to me. A small part of me felt for him, but only a tiny part.

What I couldn't understand is, if I meant so much to him, if I was this "angel of hope" to him, why did he turn into such a monster towards me? Why didn't he confess his true feelings to me before? Why had he resorted to abusing and scaring me instead of showing me his honest heart?

"Seokjin he is a keeper." my mother said.

"I need to use the bathroom," I said, getting up, I need a moment.

However, I froze at my mothers next words, "I can tell you are going to make a terrific dad and an amazing husband to Seokjin and our grandkids. I am genuinely sorry you had to go through so much during your young years. I am grateful that our Seokjin was able to be there for you in a time where you needed it the most. "


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