Back to Seoul

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Jin's Pov:

I was back in Seoul. I had arrived over a month now. I missed Jeju, going back made me realize the comfort that place gave me. The scenery, everything about it provided me with tranquility. I was now trapped within Taehyung's home. He didn't trust me to go out on my own, my first doctor's appointment upon arriving in Seoul, he went with me. He said if I needed to go anywhere, he would accompany me or one of his trusted bodyguards would. I was starting to see that he had a severe issue when it comes to trust. He didn't trust many people from what I noticed, nor did he invite anyone to his home.

I wanted to let Jimin know I had returned, but I am not sure how he would take that. He had asked me what I enjoyed doing, considering I wasn't allowed to work or go to many places. I told him I like gardening, it was something I did a lot growing up with my mother, especially since we had space for it. So right now he was having a greenhouse built on the roof so I could plant and relax in. He said it would be therapeutic for the baby and me. I am surprised he knew what therapeutic meant.

He had a beautiful home, I found out the apartment I would visit him at when we would sleep together was not his home, it was just the place he had picked out for us. Where I was currently, was his home and I was amazed it was empty. Clean, but empty, and I don't mean it had no furnisher, it did, matter-a-fact it had a lot. However, the walls were just white and bland. No decors on it. His bedroom was the same, or should I say our bedroom. I don't know what I thought when I assumed he would let me sleep on my own. I was thankful, though, since returning from Jeju, he did not force me or tried to have sex with me. However, he was big on cuddling. The first few nights, I couldn't sleep being embraced in his arms, but the last two nights, I had slept like a baby. When I woke up, he was gone. He often whimpered and sweat a lot in his sleep, it's like he was bothered by a lot of things. He stayed busy a lot with work, which was a good thing for me.

I was given his credit card to start shopping online for the baby as well as to add my "personal" touch to the home. I had yet to use the card. I rather use my own to buy things for the baby. I am not here because I want anything from him, I am here because I was forced to be here. To keep myself busy, I cooked a lot and did a lot of DIY. Amazon Prime and Prime pantry had become my best friend. I spoke to Jimin a lot over the phone, but I never once told him I was back in Seoul. Maybe I could muster up the courage and ask Taehyung if it would be okay to have him over. If not, I might need to tell Taehyung to recommend me to his psychiatrist.

I was also researching his behavior too. Maybe I could do some online schooling and study psychology. The mind seems to be an interesting thing. He was sweet one moment, like so sweet, then crazy the next. It's like dealing with two completely different people. I wanted to understand him more. I think his youth had a lot to do with it. However, I don't think it makes up for why he treated me the way he did. Just because you had a troubled youth, doesn't mean it's okay for you to hurt others.

I looked at the time on the microwave and decided its best I start prepping the table. He would be home soon. I tried my best to do everything I could not to trigger his other side. So I always had meals ready before he got back. Not that he told me to, but because I wanted to avoid anything that could potentially be a trigger. I would hate for me to do something stupid to trigger him and then end up losing my baby. My stomach was growing, I am now five months pregnant, just four more to go. I was beginning to have a lot of cravings, some of which I had to suppress if I couldn't have it. My back hurts a lot lately too, and I had anxiety also, I need someone to talk to. I tried online chats with other pregnant people, but it's just not the same. I wonder if there was a site for abused partners to talk about their abuse.

The door alert goes off signaling Taehyung was home. This was another reason why I didn't even bother try leaving the house. Once I walk out the door, he would know because of the damn sensors around the house, not to mention he would get an alert and could track movements around the house on his phone. He had given me the app, but I think he had done it to instill fear in me. It sure as shit worked.

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