4. Mosquito Bites & New Director

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"What happened to your wrist Jin? is everything okay?" No, everything was not okay! I was fucked senseless last night. I was tied up, whipped and fuck, that's what happened!

That's exactly what I wanted to tell Jimin, but I couldn't. "Yes, Jimin, everything is fine. Just had a rough night." I said, giving a sad smile.

"Wow, that must have been a crazy night, the marks on your neck are even more than before. Was that the mosquito's doing again?" For fuck sakes Jimin! Does this look like a mosquito artwork! There was no way I was going by him tonight, I can't believe he had done that me yesterday, what in the world had gotten into him. Instead of stopping with the bite marks, he tripled them, now I was walking around completely out of conduct.

"yeah, things do get pretty interesting at nights, but enough about my night, tell me about yours?" I asked Jimin as I tried to take the topic off me and sure as shit, he fell for it as he began to go on and on about his night.

"but enough about me, what do you think about our new director? He is hot, isn't he?" Now here is a topic I was interested in.

"He's not bad. I am sure he's not single though and probably ain't gay either." I am pretty sure a guy like him wasn't single.

"Are you kidding me, of course, he is gay, did you hear him? He said he wanted to see one of our pole dancing sessions and I know he wasn't talking about watching me, he is definitely talking about you. I personally think yall would make a gorgeous couple."

"Yeah, I don't know. I think I need to stay solo for now." I told him as I already had a fuck buddy, who was clearly into whipping my ass these days.

"You are being ridiculous. A man like him don't come around often, I am going to set yall up. You don't want to end up like our CEO. I mean have you seen that guy, he is fucking gorgeous like that man is sex walking on legs, I literally drool every time I see him. Btw, don't tell Yoon I said that.

Yet, he is just walking around like a damn stone. He doesn't smile at anyone, it's like he has a stick up his ass. Like, look at him in the meeting yesterday, we were having fun, and he had to rain on our parade."  That's was right, our CEO did walk around like he was better than everyone else. I mean the least he could do was smile with his employees.

"I agree, Jimin, Our CEO does walk around like he has a stick up his ass," Jimin eyes were wide, "What? it's true, don't give me that look, he does look like he got something stuck far up his ass. You said too."  All while I am talking Jimin is shaking his head as if to say no.

"Kim Seokjin! My office now! " A voice said behind me, and it did not take a genius to know who had said it.  fuck!

I turned around to face the voice that had yelled out my name, it was none other than our CEO.

"Yes sir," I said nervousness was very evident in my tone.

"Follow me." He said as he turned and walked away. I quickly got up from my seat, not even bothering to look at Jimin as I followed me him. We got in the elevator, and he was quite the entire ride, which made the journey far more uncomfortable.

Once we got to his floor, he told his assistant to hold all his calls and cancel whatever meetings he had. I think the assistant saw the look on my face and gave me a sad smile. I was not sure what was going to take place, I had never really been ordered to the CEO office before, but then again, I never say he had a stick up his ass before either, out loud, that is.

After giving his assistant an order, I followed him down the long corridor that led to his office. Once we got inside, he closed the door, and I hear the lock click.

"So, I have a stick up my ass?" He asked, walking towards me. I took a step backward as he was getting too close, "No, Mr. Kim, that's not what I meant." I said, putting my hands up in defense.

"Call me by my name and tell me exactly what you meant." He said as he glared at me. I don't understand why he was being like this. This wasn't allowed at work, we agreed on this before.

"Taehyung." I finally breathe out.

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