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Jin's Pov:

Three weeks later...

"Seokjin you need to eat. You are looking more sick day by day, and I am worried about you." My mother tries to reason with me. I was not hungry, every time I saw food, I got sick, and when I did try eating anything, I threw it right back up. Food, bed, sofa, life, everything just reminded me of Taeyhung. It was a month since I had moved and I still couldn't shake that freak show from my mind. My bruises were still evident on my skin.

Just thinking about everything had me disgusted, "I will eat mom after I shower," I told her getting up from around the table. As I stood from my chair, my feet buckled, and I fell unto the floor.

Three hours later...

I opened my eyes; everything was blurry, and my head hurts, I was perplexed as to where I was at. I was in bed, in a white room. "Did I die?" I questioned out loud while trying to survey the place I was in.

"No, Seokjin, you did not die." I whipped my head around to see my mother looking at me. "Mom, where am I?" I questioned. "You are in the hospital sweetie; you passed out probably from not eating." I tried sitting up on the bed. Passed out?"Don't move around too much. The doctor will be in soon." My mom said, rubbing my ankle."You need to relax; your iron is deficient."

Great! As if my life wasn't bad enough, I was now passing out all over the place. Can I get any more pathetic than this?

I watched as the doctor walks into the room, "Hi, I am Doctor Kim, how are you feeling?" Dr.Kim asks as he walked over to me. "I'm okay, just been feeling extremely tired as of late, but otherwise I doing okay," I told him.

"He's not eating." My mother yells out. I glared at her. Could she leave? Where is the patient-doctor privacy moment?

"That's not good Seokjin. You must eat. We don't want  you to be passing out again."

"I do eat Dr.Kim, not as much mother would like, but I often throw up when I eat. My stomach is always upset." I told him truthfully, and maybe he can give me something.

"Ahh, well, I understand. However, I think you are experiencing pregnancy sickness. It's normal during the early stages of one's pregnancy." Everything went blank, and I couldn't hear the doctor words after he mentioned the word pregnant. There's no way, no way. No way in hell could I be pregnant. I could hear my mothers muffled words in the background, but I couldn't hear her clearly as it felt like I was underwater.

"Seokjin, Seokjin!" My mother screamed out to me. "What!"  I yelled out. "The doctor is talking to you." She said with concern in her voice.

"Dr. Kim, you are wrong. Did you say pregnancy sickness? I can't be pregnant. Recheck your reports. I have a Nexplanon inputted in my arm, look." I said, showing him my arm. His reports were wrong.

"Umm...when did you get that inputted Seokjin?" I started to think back to when I first had it implanted, "I worked at the company for about two years now, and I had gotten it a year prior........."

"So, three years now?" Dr. Kim asked, and I shook my head reluctantly

"Then, I believe your pregnancy test is valid. I can run some more test if you would like." I tuned him out once again, before screaming out loudly, "I don't want it. take it out, take it out!" No, I can't have that psycho's baby, oh my gosh was life going to be this cruel to me.

"Don't listen to him Dr.Kim; I will talk to him. He won't be getting rid of my grandchild." I heard my mother say to the doctor.  What the fuck did she know?


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