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Jin's Pov:

"Mom, Taehyung, and I are not getting married. Please stop jumping to so many assumptions. You don't even know him. My baby and I are just fine. So, please stop, stop all of this. You dad go on about your business and leave me, let me deal with my life. I am not a kid, I don't need you both butting in on my life unless you are going to listen to me or help me." This was going too far. I don't care what problems Taehyung, what he did to me....gosh, who does that to another human being. I fear him a great deal.

"Seokjin, what are you talking about? I am only trying to be of help here. Just a few weeks ago you were trying to abort that baby. I think its good Taehyung came around. No child should be raised by a single parent if it's unavoidable. Now, if Taehyung was really a one night, I could understand, however, he is sitting right here with us, pouring his heart out. What do you want me to say? Sorry, I shouldn't have imposed marriage or assume you would both marry one another, I am wrong for that, but can you at least show a bit of emotion to the man who just poured his heart out." She looked at me thoroughly displeased and offended.

"You tried aborting our baby?" Taehyung said, getting up from his seat, and walking towards me.

"great! Thank you, mom, way to go. You sure love me." I said to her and turned on my heals hurrying up the stairs before Taehyung could come near me.

"Seokjin!" He yelled out my name, but I ignored him, slamming my room door shut. My heart was racing, my parents were leaving in the morning. I was stuck with this monster, and he knew about me wanting to abort the baby. I am so freaking nervous right now. Why did I even bother coming to my parent's house, I am so stupid. I really should have relocated to the U.S. he probably didn't have much power there, and maybe legally I would come out a winner. Here in Korea, no question who had more rights between him and I. Him having as much money as he did, I wouldn't stand a chance in fighting against him.

"Seokjin, please open the door?" He knocked against my door. I laid in my bed and cover my ears up. No way I am opening that door, I will face him tomorrow, but not now. I searched for two Benadryl out of my night draw and took them with a bottle of water next to my bed. I had enough of today, I just need sleep to take me away from the misery of today. Maybe when I wake up, he will be gone. Yeah, right, wishful thinking I suppose.


I woke up feeling groggy and unfamiliar to the place I was in. After looking around, I realized I was in my bedroom. I searched for my phone and found it on the floor beside my bed. I guess I had kicked it off while sleeping, those Benadryl really did wonders. It was 12 noon. I had a ton of miss calls from Taehyung and five from my parents, I am assuming they had left by now. Taehyung, I am hoping did as well. I checked my messages and see that I had one from my mom,

"Jin, sweetie, mom is sorry if she made you upset. Please forgive me if I overstepped my boundaries. Can you please think about giving Taehyung a chance, he seems like a really nice guy, who cares a lot about you and the baby. Don't give that up before giving him a chance. Mom loves you a lot. Keep me posted on you and the baby, I will let you know when we arrive."

I threw my phone back on the floor, she didn't care about me.

I tried laying back down, but the urge to use the bathroom was stronger than the urge to lay back in bed. I hurried off the bed and went to the bathroom that was connected to my room. After using, I washed up my face and brushed my teeth. I still felt sleepy, but I knew I needed to go downstairs and get something to eat. Dr.Kim had warned me about the implications of not eating and how my baby could be born underweight. I didn't want that as much as I didn't want this pregnancy, it was what it is, I have to do what I should now.

As soon as I walk out of my room, I was greeted with a silence, which made me somewhat uncomfortable. I ignored the feeling and made my way downstairs. The living room and family room were both empty. I guess Taehyung left or my dad sent him his hotel. I walked into the kitchen and stopped in my tracks, gripping onto the wall by the doorway to keep myself from falling.

"Nice of you to join me," Taehyung said with a smile. "Come and sit, we have lots to discuss," he said, pointing to the chair by the kitchen table. I turn to look my head looking towards the dining room, mayb-"Don't even think about running. Just come on over here and have a seat, I am trying to be as nice as I can be." he said and gulped. I could tell he was serious. With not much of a choice, I walked over and sat down across from him.

"I made you breakfast, you can eat while we talk." He said, pushing a plate of food before me. I look down at it and just nod.

" wanted to abort my baby?" I lift my head down to look at him, so I could get a read on his expression, and I wish I hadn't, if looks could kill, I would be 6 feet under.

"I-I d-didn't w-want I-it."

"Am I a monster? Why are you trembling, talk to me clearly? I am sure when you were considering aborting my kid, you weren't stuttering then. So please speak up. You are not a kid." Was being a monster a trick question? He is worst than a monster!

"I did not want it. You raped me Taehyung, so tell me, are you a monster? Good people don't go around doing what you have done to me or what you are doing to me right n-" he cuts me off before I could finish

"I did not rape you! I gave you a punishment for disobeying me. How could you say I rape you? Jin, I am hurt. Taehyung would never do something like that. He would never rape someone. I gave you a punishment for not listening, but rape...never! Do you want me to rape you? Would you have preferred if I did that? No, I am not a monster! I know I can be harsh sometimes, but I am not a bad person. I just want you to listen. Do you think you are a good person? You wanted to abort the only child I probably have the chance of having. I am not doing anything to you, but trying to be civil, is that so wrong? Why do you want me to be the bad guy so bad." He spoke with anger as he glared at me.

I began shaking around the table, he is insane, he is crazy.

"Taehyung, you did rape me. I did not consent to what you did to me that night. Just forget it, please leave, I don't want to have this baby with you. Let me live in peace. It's clear you don't see you're wrong." He got up from his seat and walked over to me pressing his hands down and the table and pushing the food before me to the side, "Would you rather have a baby with Dr. Kim then?" he asked glaring down at me.

"What are you talking about? I am talking about you and raping me, and you are bringing up Dr. Kim?"

He slams his fist down onto the table, making the plate flip over, and I jumped at the same time. "I DID NOT RAPE YOU! Do you want to feel what it feels like to be raped?" he yells.

I think I am going to be sick. Tears starting flowing down my face. "I am sorry I am sorry." I cried out. His facial expression softened, "no, please don't cry, I didn't mean to yell at you. Don't cry it, it will frustrate the baby. let me get you some water." he walked away from me towards the refrigerator

I need to get rid of this baby, I can't be around this monster much less have a child for him. I was shaking, and in tears, this is not healthy. I will rather be dead than live like this. 


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