36 - Fixing This: Part (2/3)

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Katsuki's POV

"What do you say? Will you just hear what I've got to say and go on this date with me?" I ask, waiting for an answer, while my hearts beats quickly.

Deku just stares at me, with his eyes wide open. A somewhat unreadable expression. I can't tell what's going through his head.

"I... sure" he says before sighing.

"Good, but first let's order some dinner" I say while smirking at him. Deku gives me a warm smile and I have a good feeling about tonight.

The original plan tonight was for shitty hair to get Deku here. I told them to tell him it was date with me yet it seems they told him something else. I somewhat see why. And as much as I hate to say it, those idiots were right.

"See anything you like?" Deku asks softly, taking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, what about you?" I respond, with my eyes fixated on him.

He doesn't say anything as his eyes lock with mine. Damn, this feels all so familiar yet somehow foreign. It's been so long since I've looked into those emerald eyes.

"Uh... yeah I found something..." He states getting quieter as he speaks.

The waiter comes over and pours us some water. He asks us our order and we tell him while giving him the two menu's.

For a few minutes Deku just looks at me, I then challenge his glare. The two of us sit there, in an intense staring contest.

Eventually Deku breaks eye contact, looking down a little with a very slight pink tint lining on his cheeks.

"Kacchan? Are you going to tell me what you wanted to say yet?" Deku asks softly, still not bringing his eyes up to mine.

"Not yet. I told you let's get some dinner first." I say, taming the annoyance in my voice.

He nods to my statement and picks up his glass.  He slowly brings it up to his lips, taking a small sip. He holds the glass there for a more seconds, then putting it down. Afterwards he licks his lips, bringing his eyes to mine with some newfound confidence.

I then put up my water and drink some of it, slowly but surely. I look Deku in the eyes the whole time.

Once I put down the glass, the nerd starts laughing oddly. I look at him, a bit confused.

"Hey, what are you laughing for!" I ask a little louder than expected.

He still is chuckling, not even affected by the level of my voice.

This is progress.

He usually would stop and look down, looking a bit scared. Yet now he isn't bothered by it at all.

He's getting more comfortable.

I smile at this and start laughing with him. A few people shoot us some glances yet I don't give a shit. We only get louder from here.

"This just reminds me of something" he says while laughing in between words.

After a few more minutes of bothering everyone from their quiet meals we finally calm down. A stray tear of joy falls from the nerd's eye. I stand up slightly and reach over to his face, wiping the tear away.

He stares at me as I sit back down, the smile still apparent but frozen in a way.

"What? Don't like what you see?" I ask with a slight smirk.

He unfreezes "I didn't say that" he replies with a small grin.

I open my mouth to say something but was interrupted by the waiter putting our food down in front of us.

Deku looks at the food as if it was the first time he had saw it. The look of amazement on his face was incredible. I had never seen him look like this.

"Is something wrong? You've been staring at the food for a while." I say, with my gaze on him.

He blushes a little and meets my eyes.

"It's just.. I've never seen food that looked this good.." He states softly.

I laugh at his words, thinking 'of course he would do that'.

Deku doesn't question my chuckle. He slowly picks up his fork and pokes the food as if he was afraid to mess it up.

I take a bite of my meal and instantly want more. I quickly eat the food in front of me as if it would be taken away from me at any moment.

Once I finish eating, the boy across from me has hardly eaten.

"Deku, what's wrong? Do you not like the food?" I ask, pointing at his plate.

"I just don't want to mess up how perfect it is" he exclaims.

"Just eat it" I say standing up, taking his fork and putting the food in his mouth.


"Now isn't that good?"

He nods and begins to stuff his mouth with food.

Something about this sight makes me laugh as I now can't stop.

After a while Deku has an empty plate and the waiter takes them away. Not much later did he come back to put a dessert down along with two coffees.

The dessert was soba pudding. I know that one of the nerd's favorite foods is soba noddles so I thought this might be close enough.

"That's my favorite..." He starts "you really put thought into this, didn't you?"

I nod, keeping my eyes on him.

"Now that we have eaten we can talk over coffee and pudding" I say

"Oh I almost forgot. There was something you wanted to talk about." He states

I nod, taking a sip of coffee.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking, too much honestly. But now I think I know what I need to do."

"And what do you need to do?" He asks with curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

So many things come to mind.

I think of the plan I have set in my head for the night. The way I will tell him how I feel. A bit of worry flashes into my brain.

Don't worry... just look at his eyes.

My sight is now on him. The way those emerald orbs look at me, makes it seem like this is possible, that maybe this will work.

I might have the slightest chance to win him back.

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