20 - June

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Katsuki's POV

Deku and I find ourselves outside the dorms. I look inside through the glass and see everyone talking and having a nice time.

I wouldn't have thought anything of it, until we walked in, with Deku and I's hands interlocked.

Everyone became silent with Kirishima and Kaminari both looking at us. Seemingly as they wanted us to leave.

"Hey... Midoriya... Bakugo..." shitty hair says

I begin to get annoyed as everyone is staring at Deku and I.

What the hell is going on?

I quickly grab the forest of green and drag him away from this scene. Seeing as Deku is pretty dense, I'm assuming he didn't notice anything.

I find myself sitting next to Deku on the floor of his room. Wondering what those shit heads down stairs are up to.

My insecurities start rising again. Is it because Deku and I are so open about our relationship? No it couldn't be. Kirishima and Kaminari are both doing it and they are both guys.

I don't get it...

Deku attempts at making small talk, trying to get some words out of me, but I don't know what to say. I just want to sit here and think, next to the boy I love.

I'll have to say something though...

"Those people piss me off"

"Who?" Deku asks

"Those shit heads down stairs!" I yell pointing to the door.

"They are doing something they don't want us to know about" I say

Deku looks as if he is confused, which was expected. I didn't think he would notice.

"What do you think it is?" I ask, reaching my arm around the boy next to me.

"I don't know..." Deku says, inching closer. "It could be many things... but they aren't going to tell us anytime soon"

I realize he's right... there's no way of knowing what they are planning. It just makes me feel like Deku and I did something. We were excluded from the weird conversation that everyone else seems to be apart of.

I close my eyes putting it away from my mind. Right now I'm with Deku and I only want to think about him.

I look over to him and instantly kiss his soft, tender lips. Wanting to kiss this nerd forever.

Deku puts one hand on my face as I pull him closer.

The night ends with Deku and I sleeping in his bed. I sometimes felt myself waking up and still wondering what could be going on. I though made myself stop thinking and go back to sleep.


The next day downstairs everyone was acting more odd than before. It's as if they woke up and decided to be uncomfortable around me. It's annoying the hell out of me.

I went down here alone as Deku seemed to still want to sleep. Most people avoided my gaze and didn't say much to me. The only people who dared to say anything was Shitty hair and Pikachu. They both sat across the table from me, looking with weird eyes and occasionally laughing.

"What the hell are you laughing at!"

"Nothing" the red haired idiot says

I stare down at the table, trying to control the anger inside... screw it, I don't care.

"It's about last night, isn't it? Your stupid laughter" I exclaim "what the hell was with everyone being weird!"

Both look at me, shitty hair with a smirk and dumb face with a weird grin on his face.

"Bakugou, what month is it?" Shitty hair asks

"June?" I say questioningly

"Dude it's Pride Month"

Happy Pride Month


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