10 - Date

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Katsuki's POV

I walk with Deku next to me and shitty hair and his boyfriend behind us talking every three seconds. Leaving me hardly any time to talk to Deku alone. Why did I even agree to this. Wait... I didn't agree to this. It's all that damn nerd's fault. I glare at deku and my hands start spark up as my anger rises.

Deku looks frightening and confused, and tries to run away, but I pick him up and put him back in place, next to me.

If I have to go along with these two, Deku better be here, I'm tolerating this for his sake.

Kirishima keeps strolling with his torso drooping over from what I can assume is tiredness.

"Where are we even going? It feels like we have been walking forever"

Then it hits me, where was I even going to bring Deku? Shit. I never got this far in my plan, and those two idiots made me forget about the next step.

I quickly look around, trying to find any place we could go.

The movies. Bowling alley. Ice rink.

No! They aren't good enough! And I hate all of those places.

"How about we just go to the roller skating place" Dumb face says

"Sounds like fun" Shitty hair replies

Somehow we found ourselves in the roller skating place. After many attempts at trying to get us out of there, I had failed and we still ended up here.

Kirishima and Denki make their way onto the floor with roller skates already on.

I look at Deku and realize this is my chance to be alone with him. My chance to have a date with him.

"Oi, Deku come on" I say, grabbing the collar of his shirt and dragging him over to the counter.

"Two shoes" I state to the worker

The worker looks terrified yet I have no idea why. He quickly give us our shoes, mouthing the words 'please don't hurt me'. I chuckle at this sight.

Once we get our shoes we stand there awkwardly as we both seem to not know what to do. Deku has his hand on his arm, seeming to be feeling awkward.

I take his hand in mine, and instantly I feel nervous. Why do I feel like this?

I quickly run over to the floor. Deku tells me to 'slow down' every so often and looks terrified. I though enjoy the rush.

After it seems like he has had enough I slow down and let go of his hand. Leaving him a dizzy mess about to fall down, I quickly put my arms under him so that I catch him. Both our faces with a slight blush. I help him up, and we start to go off the floor. Kirishima and Denki come over though, annoying us with there pointless conversations.

Kirishima has this odd look on his face, as he lets go of his boyfriend's hand.

"Hey, Bakugo, let's talk" Kirishima says as he rushes me away from the others. We ended up right outside the door, leaving Denki and Deku in there alone.

My anger rises as my hands sparks up, I lift my hands just about to punch this hell of a guy.

"Hey, calm down. I just have a question"

I put my hands down, letting them cool off. Waiting for his stupid question.

"Are you and Midoriya dating?" The redhead asks

I put my hands back with my quirk activated ready to kill his shitty hair.

"Shut the hell up! Of course I don't see him in that way! We are just friends!" I yell

"So... you wouldn't care if I set him up with someone then?" Kirishima says

"Shut up" I say walking back into the building. I quickly grab Deku and take off his shoes and giving them back to the worker.

I can't have anyone know. Deku and I really haven't talked about us, neither have we gone on an actual date alone. I know how I feel about him, yet I can't bring myself to tell anyone except him. I don't want anyone to know... yet.

We all walk outside and realize it's dark. And decide to go somewhere to eat.

I walk with Deku, and shitty hair's smirk following me the whole way there.

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