15 - Thoughts

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Izuku's POV

I wake up with the window light coming in. The bright light makes my eyes hurt. I turn over to the other side of my bed and see a figure in it. Confusion fills my brain until I realize who it is. Katsuki is in my bed. My face turns red as if my first reaction to seeing him is to blush.

His arms around my body, trapping me from going anywhere. I careful lay there, closing my eyes, not wanting to wake Katsuki. I feel his grip tighten, as his eyes open. My heart beats quicker as I hope I didn't wake him up.

"Deku..." he says

"I didn't wake you up, did I?" I ask

"No, do you know what time it is?" he questions

I grab my phone quickly from my night stand. I turn it on, realizing it's past nino o' clock.

"It's 9:45" I say quietly.

I sit up quickly, trying to get out of bed but stopped by Katsuki holding onto me.

"We are late! We need to get to class!" I yell.

I try to get away from his grip but fail and lay back down next to him.

"What's the rush? We are already late, let's just go in later." Katsuki says, instantly calming me.

He keeps his arms around me, letting each of us feel the warmth of the other person.

I slowly fall asleep once again in his arms, not having a single worry.


Once it's eleven o' clock, Katsuki and I make our way back to school. Our hands intertwined. No one speaks much, but I leaned my head on Kacchan's shoulder occasionally.

We finally get to the door of the class and the blonde lets go of my hand. I instantly want to be close to him, yet I know I can't push him.

He walks into class with me trailing behind him. Kirishima looks at Katsuki and as if he knew we were together last night. This makes me nervous as we weren't supposed to let anyone know about mine and Katsuki's relationship.

I sit down in front of the blonde, with my nerves going up as I know he is looking straight at me.

The class goes by fairly quickly, with students occasionally looking over at us, with confusion. If I were them I'd be confused too, it's odd for us not to be at class on time.

We head to lunch, I get my tray of food, and sit down at a table. I look over to see if Kacchan was around, he was at a table with Kirishima, Denki, and Ashido.

My want to be near him is even more now, even though he is a few tables away. I stare at him, not noticing anything else at my table.

In the corner of my eye, I happen to see Uraraka, waving to me.

"Deku? What are you staring at?" She asks

"W-What? Nothing" I say quickly, a bit confused.

"You have been staring into space for a while now. Are you okay? Last night you hardly said anything" Uraraka exclaims

"Oh... yeah I'm good. I'm just... distracted I guess" I explain

"Distracted? Maybe by a certain someone?" She says in a teasing tone.

"N-No! There isn't... anyone" I exclaim, saying the last part a bit quieter. I look down, feeling down as I can't tell anyone. Or even be remotely close to the blonde. We are supposed to keep things they way they were. Kacchan and I talked about it last night, and I agreed even though I felt something different.

"Are you sure there is nothing wrong?" The bubbly girl across from me asks again.

"I am sure" I say with uncertainty in my voice.

Uraraka looks as if she doesn't believe me, but leaves me alone, knowing I don't want to talk about it. For this I am glad. I rest my head on the palm of my hand watching the lunch room, with my main focus on Katsuki. Everyone seems to be having nice conversations, even that blonde. He yells at Kirishima and Kaminari like his sole purpose in life is to do that. Yet here I am talking to no one expect my own thoughts.

I just wonder if he will ever be ready.

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