5 - Glass

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Katsuki's POV

It's been days ever since I was partnered up with that stupid nerd. I hate his face, I been having to see him everyday. Yet, I still am having dreams about him. I wake up pissed that I can't stop thinking about that stupid deku.

I've been acting like an idiot around him. I've been stuttering, saying his name out loud randomly. I just want him out! I have no explanation to why I've been thinking of him.

I walk into the classroom, and see most people are already here. I go to my seat and before sitting down I see deku. I look at him and our eyes meet. I quickly look away and sit down.

What is happening to me? That nerd has to be doing something to me. I wouldn't consciously think of this nerd for days.

Unless... I have feelings for the shitty nerd...

No! That can't be it!

Aizawa stands at the front of the classroom and looks ready to speak. I turn to the teacher and pay attention to just have Deku off my mind.

"With the partners you have been working with, you will do a short project. It is due tomorrow. After that we will go back to training" The teacher states.

At those words I start to feel nervous. Why is this happening?

"Kacchan! You want to work on the project after school?" The nerd asks.

"Sure, come to my dorm" I say calmly.

Deku nods and I turn my head back around.

Shit. Now what am I going to do.


Deku and I walk to the dorms together, no one talking much. That nerd sometimes tried to make conversation but I disregarded his attempts.

Once we make it to my dorm, I open the door and let Deku and I in. We set up our stuff on the table in the middle of my room. His books are scattered on the table with my one notebook resting there..

We work for an hour and get most of it done.

"Want some water?" I ask

Deku nods and I grab some water. I pour him a glass and myself one as well.

I put the water on the table as we sit there drinking from our cups. From time to time we looked at each other. No words are spoken, we are just here together.

Seems this keeps happening. Me and Deku around each other and somehow it just feels right. I don't even know why though.

I look at his beautiful emerald eyes, they mesmerize me. I put my glass down on the table and raise my hand towards his face, tracing my thumb across his cheek. Before I know it I quickly take my hand away, turning around, embarrassed.

What is going on with me?

"I-I'm sorry" I say, voice shaky and heart rate rapid.

"It's f-fine" Deku replies.

Deku grabs onto my hand, making me jump.

"What the hell are you doing!" I yell.

Deku quickly releases my hand.

I nod and go back go back to the work we needed to finish. For the rest of the time, Deku and I hardly talk. Only a few discussions were to be heard.

After a bit more time, Deku leaves. Once the door closes, I fall down to the floor with tears in my eyes. Why am I even crying? I don't understand what's happening. I can't like him. I can't have these feelings. I have tried to push these down so much, hating him, bullying him, anything to not see him in that way. Yet, here I am breaking down after I hurt him.

I could tell Deku was hurt, I could see the tears he was holding back. Why do I do this? I just hurt everyone around. I push everyone away, even those who are trying to be close.

I sit on the ground crying.

Knowing that I like that damn nerd.

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