32 - A Morning Walk

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Izuku's POV

I wake up early one morning before school. My eyes open to a dark sky, with it barely even being five am. I rub my eyes to rid of the sleepish feelings that ran throughout my body. It was screaming to just go back to sleep, yet my mind had other plans.

All night had been a tossing and turning event, where I woke up multiple times. There was no point and getting that extra minutes of sleep.

I put on some socks along with sneakers, tying them quickly. I then grab my phone and slowly open my door, looking around. No lights were to be seen, nor were any people. I quietly made my way out of my dorm and closed the door.

I went downstairs, with memories coming back from the past few days when everything happened. The moments where I stood in the hallway when Kacchan was holding me. I put my hand on my arm, remembering the touch of Katsuki. I shake the thought knowing I shouldn't be thinking of him right now.

Once I get to the common room, I see that no one is still around. I take that moment of being alone and quickly go out the doors of Heights Alliance.

I decided to go on a walk this morning, my mind is cluttered with thoughts and I'm not sure what to do with them.

When I go outside, I instantly feel the warm yet refreshing breeze. A small smile is placed on my face as this is one of my favorite types of weather. Yesterday and last night it was raining, so it now being morning and the rain had stopped. All that is left is the warm air and the wet ground. I'm not sure why, but this type of air makes me feel better.

I start walking slowly yet with a pace. I look around, seeing the green treetops and the dark sky. Slowly but surely the sun is coming up but the darkness seems to be still taking over.

I stop in my tracks for a second, seeing as I have walked down this road so many times with Kacchan...


After an exhausting class, we find ourselves walking back to the dorms. The wind acting as a refreshing breeze, as the air is slightly cold against our warm bodies.

I stop and Kacchan looks back at me with a kind smile.

"You tired already?" he asks, with a confused yet testing look.

"No, I'm fine. I got this" I say, putting a fist in the air.

Katsuki comes over to me.

"So.. you're saying you wouldn't want me to carry you?" he questions with a slight smirk.

"Of course not, I told you-" I start as Kacchan quickly lifts me off my feet and putting me in his arms.

"K-Kacchan... what are you-"

"You're tired, your legs were shaking. Just let me do this, alright?" he says with a genuine smile.

My lips crook into a huge grin and nod as he starts walking. If I was being honest, he was right.. My legs were shaking a little. I didn't think he would notice though. He's too good to me, I honestly don't deserve this.

"Fine... but I'm going to do something in return" I say, reassuringly.

"And what's that?" He questions, curiously.

I lift my hand up to Katsuki's face, making him look at me. I then lean up and attach my lips to his. He kisses me back, with a little force, making me having to push back.

I pull away, with a hint of pink across my face.

"Don't worry, there's more" I say, sending a wink towards his way.

He carries me back to the dorms and I feel at peace. Not completely believing that it wasn't a dream.


A few tears slip down my cheek as memories replay in my mind. I have often thought in the past few days why I didn't try more to talk about my problem. I just ran out after Kacchan told me to.

Why did I do that? I should've just stayed and explained more. We may have been able to do something. Yet I left... and now Katsuki isn't okay... and it's my fault.

Shit, I really messed up.

I wish I knew what to do to fix it.. but I still have this problem. I wipe away tears as more and more fall down. Not even realizing how much I'm crying.

I look up and see the one person I didn't want to see me cry.

Katsuki is standing only a few feet away from me.

The sight of him makes my heart starts racing and I feel like I could have a heart attack at any moment.

My legs are frozen yet I wish I could run.

My vision blurs a little as my breath becomes more staggered. My arms start to shake frantically.

What is happening?

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to stop the tears from rolling down my face. I hear a faint voice of the familiar blonde and instantly I feel as if I could fall any moment.

"Deku?" he says quietly

Suddenly I see a bright light over take my sight and I fall down. With my vision going dark and senses slowly fading.

I collapsed.

There is a logical reason for this.

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