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Izuku's POV

I close Kacchan's door and walk into the hallway. The tears I've been holding in for the last twenty minutes escape my eyes. Water pours down my face, I don't know why I'm crying nor why I feel like this. He just touched my face... and then yelled...

Why am I so upset? I need to get over these feelings for Kacchan. They aren't healthy, Kacchan is just going to keep hurting me. And I don't know if I can handle him hurting me even more than he already has.

I keep walking, tears rolling down my face. Trying to get to my room. It's the next door over, so it's not much of a walk.

I open the door and shut it, falling to the ground, tears slipping out of my eyes. This is stupid, I shouldn't be crying. Nothing happened.

Damn, I want to forget about him. He's just going to keep on hurting me.

I go onto my bed and fall asleep. Wishing my feelings would go away.


Once I get into the classroom, I keep my eyes on the ground. Hoping no one will notice me. I make it to my seat and let out a sigh of relief that Kacchan isn't here yet. I put my head on my desk, closing my eyes, staying in my own little world, where no one can reach me.

"Midoriya, if you do not wish to pay attention, the door is right there" Aizawa says pointing to the door.

"As I was saying, after you hand in your project, go outside and continue to train with your partners."

Everyone starts handing in their projects and I stay put. Kacchan starts walking and sees me not going up.

"Oi Deku, you coming?" Katsuki asks.

I nod and go up, my body not wanting to move.


I then find myself and Kacchan sparing. Once I fall to the ground, after a punch Kacchan threw, we stopped for a break. I sit down and drink some water. Kacchan once again sitting next to me. Exactly like last time.

No one really talks much during our break. I knew I wanted to say something, but every time I opened my mouth no words came out. Kacchan hasn't said much to me today either. I wonder what's going through his head.

Probably nothing. I'm the one with a hopeless crush, not him. Tears try to make their way out of my eyes, but don't because I stop them. I can't let Kacchan see me cry. I need to be strong. No matter how hopeless my feelings are.

Kacchan and I get up and start to train again. Minute after minute goes by until it starts to get dark. We then stop and go back to the locker room to change.

Still no words are exchanged on the way back. Just the two of us with the warm air brushing against our skin.

"Deku..." The blonde whispers.

I look up at Kacchan.

"Did you need something?" I ask

"I-I need to tell you something" He says, stopping from walking.

We stare at each other waiting for someone to say something.

Something... anything...


Feelings | BakudekuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora