3 - Dreams

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Izuku's POV

There he is, Kacchan. Standing overly close to me. One of his hands on my face, the other on my waist. His face slowly inches towards mine, and before I know it our lips are connecting.

"Ah!" I yell, waking up, out of breath. Kacchan in my dreams, once again. I hate waking up like this. It's nice in the moment and I enjoy myself. But when I open my eyes, everything comes crashing down. I realize that it was only my imagination. I rub my face, and make my way towards the door, into the hallway.

I can't help but blush when I go by Kacchan's room. He is in there sleeping, I bet he is cute when he sleeps.

I go downstairs and turn to the kitchen, when I see Kacchan... Wait.. Kacchan is here! My heart starts beating rapidly.

I keep my head down, going to the fridge to get water. I greet him with a small 'hey' and sit down at the table with him.

I'm not sure to why I didn't run up to my room, I just had this feeling that I wanted to stay there with him.

"What you want nerd?" Kacchan asks with annoyance in his voice.


I keep my head down, not wanting him to see the small blush on my face. I take a sip of my water, making sure not to meet his glare.

"Oi, Deku you alright?" Katsuki asks.

His voice... sounds different. A good different, he doesn't seem to be annoyed. I look up at him with a small smile.

"Yep, just couldn't sleep is all"

Kacchan walks up to leave, I don't want him to though. The dream made me want to be with him more, making my feelings come out more. I hate that it did, but at the same time... it's nice. I don't know, Kacchan makes me happy, even though he is annoyed or mad at me most of the time. I just want to be with him.

"Wait don't go!" I say while gripping onto his wrist.

He gets out of my grasp and turns around, looking angry.

"What do you need, Deku!" Kacchan shouts.

I stand there shocked that he didn't just leave after that. I then realize I have no reason for him to want to stay with me.

"N-Nevermind" I say

Kacchan then leaves me alone and walks away.

Tears start forming in my eyes. I'm not sure why, but they flow down my cheeks. I sit down once again and drink my water. Stopping the tears from falling.


I find myself in class, after having a terrible night's sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Kacchan last night. He took up all the space in my mind, making not being able to shut down.

Aizawa, our home room teacher, enters the classroom, looking tired as ever.

"Hello students, today we will be doing some hero training" The teacher states.

The class lights up, people shouting and jumping in the air.

"Settle down." Aizawa says "You and a partner will be training each other to get stronger, I don't care how you do it, just get it done. I will be testing you and your partner in a week, to see how you both work together"

The class starts talking and getting into pairs. But was interrupted by Aizawa telling us there is a paper with the partners on them. Everyone sighs and walk over to the paper.

Once I get there, I stand there stunned as my partner is... Kacchan.

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