26 - The Game: Part (2/2)

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Katsuki's POV

I quickly pass Deku using my quirk as a distraction. I'm not sure if he looked back or even saw me leave him in the dust. I'm determined to beat his team though. Especially that half and half bastard.

I go past round face and pink hair by blasting my quirk down, making myself go up in the air and over them.

I land on my feet only a few steps away from the flag. It waves in the wind, as the jet blue color can be seen very well in the light.

I step into the turf where the flag is and grab it quickly. Suddenly a loud noise is heard coming from the pole. It seems it has a speaker at the top of it.

I rush off the turf, blasting myself into the air once again. Flying past everyone, feeling a sense of achievement until suddenly I feel a bit of weight. I look down and see Deku on my leg.

"What the hell Deku!" I yell "get off!"

He says nothing and holds on tighter. Not paying attention, I didn't even realize that I slowed and started going downwards.

Deku pushes himself up and quickly puts his hand on mine.

"What are you-" I start.

Before I could even finish my thought Deku flicks the flag out of my hand using his quirk. He let go of me, falling onto his feet.

Shit. He past me...

Or so he thought.

I quickly turn my body around and fall down with my eyesight closing in only on Deku. He is running the flag back to the blue turf. The alarm is still sounding very loudly throughout the field.

I get onto the ground and run, blasting an explosion to get closer to Deku. Just as he gets near the pole, I tackle him to the ground.

My hands are found on his wrists as they are bolted to the ground. I can feel the nerd's heart rate go up and his face going a red color. I can only assume he is being like this because of the position we are in. I smirk.

"Like this Deku?" I ask

He starts muttering to himself and I grab the flag from his hands once again as he is distracted.

I go over the jail cell as the others on Deku's team seem to be on my side, attempting to steal the flag. I unlock the door and shitty hair comes out.

"Finally! Why'd you just leave me here all this time!" He exclaims

"I thought someone else would come get you" I reply.

Shitty hair looks over to Deku who still is on the ground, speaking to himself about random things that I can't completely hear.

"What did you do to him?" He asks me

"Don't worry, I just tackled him" I say oddly calm.

Shitty hair and I make our way over to our side with no problem. With the blue team's flag gone, Deku's team all retreated to the red side (my team) to try and win. Little did they know that Deku didn't have it covered and I have the flag in my hands.

I run up to the turf and raise the blue in the air. A loud alarm goes off, and everyone stops in their tracks.

Aizawa comes onto the field, looking the same as usual with his expressionless face.

"The red team has won, congratulations. You may now leave to the dorms. Sleep well, Monday is going to be difficult" Aizawa says unenthusiastically.

Satisfaction fills my brain and I plaster a smile on my face. I dart my head over the blue side seeing that Deku is still on the ground.

I go over to the nerd and bend down on my knees to his level.

"Deku, the game is over" I say "are you alright?"

I push his shoulder a bit.

"Huh? What?" Deku exclaims "did we win?"

"No, I won though. Come on, it's time to go back to the dorms"

Deku nods and I help him back up. We walk back to Heights Alliance together. The nerd mostly talks about the game and asked what happened between the time I tackled him and when he finally stopped muttering to himself. I answered him and we had a nice discussion until we reached the door. I stop Deku with my arm blocking the entrance. The nerd looks at me with confusion.

"Want to stay in my room tonight?" I ask with a smirk on my face.

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