21 - Surprise

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Izuku's POV

I wake up in my bed, seeing as Kacchan isn't there. I rub my eyes looking around my room. Nothing has changed much since I last really looked at it. A few posters were taken down though, as it was weird having All Might watching me and Kacchan be intimate [ ;) ]

I get out of bed with tiredness still in my eyes. Slowly I go to a drawer and get a t-shirt and shorts out. I change into them, stepping a bit quicker than before. Waking up a little more with each step.

Once I get downstairs I hear voices. One in particular that sounds familiar.

I quickly turn the corner, immediately seeing Katsuki having to what seems a bit of a heated conversation with Kirishima.

"Oi, Deku. Did you know it was Pride Month?" Kacchan asks me as I sit down next to him.

"Yeah, you didn't?" I reply.

Katsuki shakes his head, turning his head back to the redhead.

"That still doesn't explain why the hell you guys have been acting weird!" The blonde yells.

Kirishima looks over at Uraraka who is sitting on the couch.

"Should we just tell them?" He asks

Uraraka lets out a sigh and walks over to the table.

"We wanted to keep it a surprise, but since everyone is a terrible actor" she sends Kirishima a mad glance. "I'll just tell you."

"We are bringing you guys to a pride Parade!" Uraraka exclaims excitedly

My eyes widen "I have always wanted to go to one" I smile, getting out of my seat and hugging Uraraka.

Ashido turns the corner as well, seeing the sight of Uraraka and I hugging and Katsuki having an odd expression.

"Aw, guys did you tell them? I thought it was a surprise." The pink haired girl says

Uraraka nods and goes over to Ashido explaining as I go back to Katsuki.

"What are you thinking Kacchan?" I ask

He looks at me slowly.

"What the hell is a pride parade! And what's Pride Month!" He yells

Kirishima sends a confused glance towards Katsuki.

"Dude, you seriously don't know what it is?"

From the expression on Katsuki's face, it says he doesn't.

Kirishima leans forward on the table, looking Katsuki straight in the eye.

"It's a lgbtq+ history month. It's more or less celebrating anyone in that community. And since you and Midoriya are a thing, you're part of that community"

Katsuki looks confused still, yet I think he kind of gets it. It makes sense that he doesn't understand as he is new to this. I remember the first time I heard about pride. I had gotten very excited and tried to go a parade. But that excitement was killed as my mother didn't want me to go. She didn't completely understand all that stuff back then and was unsure.

Now though I'll able to go to one, and better yet with Katsuki.


"Want me to explain it more?" I ask the blonde, sitting on my bed.

"No, I understand" he says

I sit next to him on my bed, looking at him, seeing his devilish red eyes, glaring down at the ground. He seems to be lost in thought.

"Are you ready to go?"

He looks at me, questioning what I just said.

"What's there to be ready for? It's a parade, we go and then leave"

"According to this website, there's a lot more we have to be ready for... so don't worry I got everything we need."

Katsuki's expression turned weird after that. I wonder why.

I bet pride parades are fun.

Have you ever been to one?


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