13 - Look at Me

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Izuku's POV

"Deku! Seriously! What the hell is up!" Katsuki yells.

I look down, still in his arms. Should I... tell him? Should I be honest? What if I'm asking for too much? My thoughts cloud as I don't know what to do.

"Come on" He says

I head curls further into me if that's even possible. My hands latching tighter on Katsuki's arm.

"I... " I say quietly "want to be with you" Slowly letting go of the blonde's arms, leaning back.

Katsuki looks at me, seeming to be thinking. His eyes looking straight through me. My heart rate picks up as my eyes move all over the place, searching for something to look at other than Katsuki's devilish red eyes, that make my heart flutter every time I see them.

"We... are.. together" he states in a hushed voice.

I blush a bit, not knowing what to do. My mouth opens, yet no words come out. I should explain... right? I'm not making any sense.

"Look at me and tell me what you want to say" Katsuki sternly says. I jump a bit, taken back by what he said. I look at his eyes, and my heart instantly melts.

"What I mean is... I want... to be open about it... You never want to hold my hand in front of people. I know this just started... but I like you Katsuki, and its not going to change." I say, tears brimming from my eyes.

Kacchan's face goes a bit red. He lifts his hand and puts it near my face. His finger going against my eyes, removing the tear that had once been there.

"Don't cry" He genuinely says. "I... don't know though... about being open."

"Why not" I ask

"I'm... just not ready for everyone to know..." He states

"Are you embarrassed of me?"

"Oh course not!" He yells

Then... what is it? Tears fall from my eyes like a small crack in a dam. I try to stop, yet it's difficult.

"I just need some time before I can be open"

I nod and look away from those red eyes, and slowly get up. I wait a few minutes, yet Katsuki says nothing. I leave him there still sitting on the ground. I walk into the building, with tears almost leaving my eyes, even though I try to hold them in. I couldn't help but look back and still see him there. I feel as if I did something wrong... I'll give him space.

I go into the dorm system and say nothing. People are all around, playing an All Might themed board game. They are all sitting on the couches, even with some chairs pulled up for everyone to sit down.

Uraraka sees me and instantly comes over, with her arms wide open and a huge smile on her face.

"Midoriya, do you want to play? You can be All Might" she says

The rest of students look over and nod their heads, agreeing to her statement. It was tempting to say yes, and take a break from the world for a bit. Yet, I didn't want to. I want to be alone right now.

"As much as I would love to... I have homework" I say, starting to walk away.

"Are you sure? You never pass this up." Uraraka asks

"I'm sure"

I go up to my dorm room, slowly. My feet seem to drag as I walk, as if they want to go somewhere else. My whole body feels drained, with Katsuki still outside. Worry fills my head. What does this mean for us.

Once I get to my room I immediately go in and lock the door. I go onto my bed and take out my school work for the day. Papers and folders fill my entire bed, as I have a lot of work. Just as I take out my pencil, I get a knock on the door.

I ignore it, wanting to be alone right now and start working.

The knocking continues, with a voice, barely recognizable.

I put earbuds in my ears, putting on some music to block out the door. I don't want to know who it is. I don't want to find out.

When the song stops a voice is heard... a voice that I know very well...

"Deku! Open this fucking door or I'll blast it open!" A familiar blonde yells.

My heart stops, with nerves going up and down all at once. I go over to the door, with Katsuki's yelling still echoing through the hallway. I put my hand on the door handle, with my arm shaking. What is he going to say... what is going to happen... bad thoughts keep going through my head, making my hand slowly go off of the handle.

What do I do?

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